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Sermon Outline – October 18th

OVERCOMING THE WORLD JOHN 4:4-5, 2:13-15 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. The Battle 3. The Victory 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” growing in amazement at the cross growing appreciation of the beauty of holiness growing in disdain for sin growing in wonder that we are God’s children 5. Prescriptions of Grace Next Week People of God… Committed to the…

Pastor’s Letter – October 18th

Dear friends Last Sunday we started to talk about church health – particularly, how we could know if what we think is God working in our midst is actually God’s work, or not. Jonathan Edwards, the US pastor from the 1700s, asked the same question of the revivals that were happening in his time.  What are the distinguishing marks of a work of God’s Holy Spirit? We…

Sermon Outline – October 11th

DEVOTED TO CHRIST JOHN 4:1-3, 13-15 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Don’t be Fooled 3. Searching for Clues 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” A growing delight in knowing Christ more A growing awe at his Glory and Majesty A growing jealousy for his honour A growing awareness of our sin & his grace A growing desire to make him known 5. Prescriptions of…

Prayer Points – October 11th

OURSELVES | that God’s Holy Spirit would be at work in our hearts so that we would know Christ better, growing in love for him in response to who he is & what he has done; pray this for our church too. OUR CITY AND STATE | for the churches within Adelaide to be growing in love for God as the reach our with the grace of God in the gospel of Christ; that we would not…

Weekly Readings – October 11th

Mon 12 Oct – Genesis 19 Tue 13 Oct – Genesis 20 Wed 14 Oct – Genesis 21 Thu 15 Oct – Genesis 22 Fri 16 Oct – Genesis 23 Sat 17 Oct – Genesis 24 Sun 18 Oct – Genesis 25 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What…

Pastor’s Letter – October 11th

Dear friends I’m writing the pastoral letter this week on Wednesday morning, and I’ve just been flicking through the news articles following the budget which was handed down last night. Big tax cuts, money for infrastructure and incentives for businesses to hire people seemed to be the big news stories – all designed to get our economy going again as we…

Weekly Readings – October 4th

Mon 5 Oct – Genesis 12 Tue 6 Oct – Genesis 13 Wed 7 Oct – Genesis 14 Thu 8 Oct – Genesis 15 Fri 9 Oct – Genesis 16 Sat 10 Oct – Genesis 17 Sun 11 Oct – Genesis 18 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are…

Prayer Points – October 4th

OUR CHURCH | for Matt & the leadership of our Kids Ministry as they plan the development of our ministry for Term 4 & 2020; for the welcome lunch; for those who are unwell & recovering from illness or injury; for those caring for others, TRINITY CHURCH WOODCROFT | pray for access to a good venue for Sunday meeting; patience while this resolves; wisdom &…