Updates (Page 83)

Updates (Page 83)

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Prayer Points – August 9th

CHURCH | for our restart; for patience & grace that we might show Christ’s love to one another; for those joiing our community to be welcomed. COMMUNITY | for those who are vulnerable, lonely,unemployed, or unwell at this time; for those who care for them; for growing community responsibility. BIBLE COLLEGE SA | for faculty, staff and students as the start Semester 2;…

Weekly Readings – August 9th

Mon 10 Aug – Luke 8 Tue 11 Aug – Luke 9 Wed 12 Aug – Luke 10 Thu 13 Aug – Luke 11 Fri 14 Aug – Luke 12 Sat 15 Aug – Luke 13 Sun 16 Aug – Luke 14 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points…

Weekly Readings – August 2nd

Mon 3 Aug – Luke 1 Tue 4 Aug – Luke 2 Wed 5 Aug – Luke 3 Thu 6 Aug – Luke 4 Fri 7 Aug – Luke 5 Sat 8 Aug – Luke 6 Sun 9 Aug – Luke 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text…

Prayer Points – August 2nd

Personal | Ask God that he will give us hearts that break for those who are lost, as well as the desire & opportunity to see them reconciled to the Father. Church Restart | Pray that our church will be blessed by the opportunity to once again meet together on Sundays; that we will do things well; that we will be patient & gracious with one another. State &…

Sermon Outline – August 2nd

The Lost | Part One Luke 15 | Cameron Munro   1. Introduction   2. The Danger of Familiarity a. we might miss the target b. we might miss the whole story c. we might assume we get it 3. Setting the Pattern 4. Breaking the Pattern a. redefining sin b. redefining repentance 5. Questions Remain… ….to be continued Next Week The Lost | Part Two Luke 15 |…

Pastor’s Letter – August 2nd

Dear friends It’s been interesting, and somewhat alarming, to see and hear some of what has been happening in Victoria at this time.  Obviously our hearts goes out to the people of Victoria – it is a massively difficult time for them and they should be in our prayers. What has concerned me are the arguments around wearing face masks and that the language of rights…

COVID Safe Information

On August 2nd we’re going back to church! We’ve done lots of work to think about what it means to go back to church in a way that’s COVID Safe and appropriate. Not only do we wish to submit to our governing authorities, but we also think that being careful is a way of loving those around us, particularly the more vulnerable in our community. We hope that…