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Prayer Points – November 8th

OURSELVES | that we would be growing in confidence for the future as a result of the security that we have through the perfect finished work of Christ; that we would have joy in our Father’s love. OUR CHURCH | for our church to be growing in confidence that they are secure in God’s love; for this to be seen in our love of others, especially those who are different from…

Weekly Readings – November 8th

Mon 9 Nov – Genesis 47 Tue 10 Nov – Genesis 48 Wed 11 Nov – Genesis 49 Thu 12 Nov – Genesis 50 Fri 13 Nov – Romans 1 Sat 14 Nov – Romans 2 Sun 15 Nov – Romans 3 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are…

Pastor’s Letter – November 8th

Dear friends On Sunday we introduced our idea for Christmas this year. With not being able to have a carols this year we thought it would be a great opportunity to try something different and so we’re encouraging people to get together and think about how we can make and distribute gifts to people in our community. We’re hoping doing so might be a meaningful…

Weekly Readings – November 1st

Mon 2 Nov – Genesis 40 Tue 3 Nov – Genesis 41 Wed 4 Nov – Genesis 42 Thu 5 Nov – Genesis 43 Fri 6 Nov – Genesis 44 Sat 7 Nov – Genesis 45 Sun 8 Nov– Genesis 46 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are…

Prayer Points – November 1st

OURSELVES | that God would be leading us into a deeper understanding of his love for us through the gospel of Christ; that his love would be overflowing to bless others in his name. OUR CHURCH | for those undergoing exams at School and University; thanks for our music ministry restarting and the service of our musicians. OUR COMMUNITY | for those working in health,…

Sermon Outline – November 1st

OVERFLOWING WITH LOVE JOHN 4:7-12 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Love Commanded 3. Love Examined 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing wonder at God’s love growing concern for the good of others a growing willingness to sacrifice for others a growing sense of unity and belonging with people who are different to you 5. Prescriptions of Grace Next Week…

Pastor’s Letter – November 1st

Dear friends I thought I would share a few thoughts with you about singing that I picked up as I read some more of my friend Jonathan Edwards’ works.  I am sure that you will see how relevant this in as we have (almost) all missed being able to sing during the recent COVID thing. So, why do we sing? Why are there encouragements and exhortations (and perhaps even commands)…

Sermon Outline – October 25th

COMMITTED TO TRUTH JOHN 4:5-6, 1:1-4 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Competing Voices 3. Certified Witnesses 4. Careful Listening 5. Undergoing a “Spiritual” growing confidence in the Bible as God’s word growing respect for the Bible’s authority growing delight in his Word growing commitment to know God better through his Word 6. Prescriptions…