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Weekly Readings – November 15th

Mon 16 Nov – Romans 4 Tue 17 Nov – Romans 5 Wed 18 Nov – Romans 6 Thu 19 Nov – Romans 7 Fri 20 Nov – Romans 8 Sat 21 Nov – Romans 9 Sun 22 Nov – Romans 10 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key…

Prayer Points – November 15th

OURSELVES | for the Lord to be leading us topray for those to whom we might reach out to withgifts and the gospel this Christmas; for courage. OUR CHURCH | for our Growth Groups – thanks for the faithful leaders; pray for new leaders to be raised up for 2021/22; that they will conclude well. OUR COMMUNITY | for those in need – unemployed, unwell, lonely, or…

Pastor’s Letter – November 15th

Dear friends, I’ve been thinking this week about our Christmas Mission and how it can be best achieved. I concluded it is not best achieved alone. Our Christmas Mission is a task to be undertaken together and with the help of God. It is easy to be dragged along by the Christmas tide of feverish action and business. If this is the case, what then differentiates us, as…

Sermon Outline – November 8th

CONFIDENT FOR THE FUTURE 1 JOHN 4:15-21 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Foundations for Confidence 3. Foundations of Confidence 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing joy that you are a child of God by grace a growing heart’s rest in God’s grace a growing honesty about sin & failures a growing peace amid life’s turmoil a growing…