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Pastor’s Letter – March 14th

Dear friends An article in Tuesday’s Australian (“In this world without, we seek a saviour within”, The Australian, 9 March 2021) made this observation: “Although the significance of Jesus has been lost on most people today, a kind of saviour longing seems to endure. The Messiah is forgotten, but his archetype continues to throb at the heart of Western culture.” The…

Pastor’s Letter – March 7th

Dear friends This week I have been some preparation for a course I teach at the Bible College.  One author wrote this provocative statement: “The Puritan Thomas Goodwin point out that our fallen nature is actually allergic to God and never wants to get too close to him. Thus our fallen nature constantly pulls us away from prayer (Richard Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual…

Weekly Readings – March 7th

Mon 8 Mar – Acts 26 Tue 9 Mar – Acts 27 Wed 10 Mar – Acts 28 Thu 11 Mar – Psalm 100 Fri 12 Mar – Psalm 101 Sat 13 Mar – Psalm 102 Sun 14 Mar – Psalm 103 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key…

Prayer Points – March 7th

OURSELVES | that we would be seeing more and more of Jesus as the Spirit illuminates his Word. OUR CHURCH | thanks for God’s blessing of us, his church at Brighton; ask that he would continue to do so over the next 15 years and beyond. OUR NETWORK | for the commissioning of Luke Dahlenburg as the new Senior Pastor of Trinity Golden Grove; for the LIFE course currently…

Sermon Outline – February 28th

THE KING | The Demand of the King Luke 18:18-30 | Cameron Munro 1. Introduction 2. Lots to Offer (Lk 18.18-21) 3. The Demanding King (Lk 18.22) 4. The Gracious King (Lk 18.23-27 5. Blessing Overflows (Lk 18.27-30) 6. Expecting the Unexpected   Next Week  THE KING | The Destiny of the King – Luke 18:31-43 Cameron Munro

Prayer Points – February 28th

OURSELVES | that we would have a growing love for God in response to his love for us through Christ; that this love would overflow to neighbours. OUR CHURCH | thanks for the many ways in which our church has been blessed over the last 15 years. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Mount Barker; thank God for the commissioning of Scott Maxwell as Senior Pastor; pray that God…

Weekly Readings – February 28th

Mon 1 Mar – Acts 19 Tue 2 Mar – Acts 20 Wed 3 Mar – Acts 21 Thu 4 Mar – Acts 22 Fri 5 Mar – Acts 23 Sat 6 Mar – Acts 24 Sun 7 Mar – Acts 25 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from…