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Pastor’s Letter – September 27th

Dear friends Last week I began to share with you some thoughts from John Flavel’s little book, “Keeping the Heart:  How to maintain your love for God”. The book itself is a reflection on Proverbs 4.23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Initially Flavel makes the point that only a heart that has been regenerated by God’s Holy…

Prayer Points – September 27th

OUR COMMUNITY | for those who work to support our community – local government; those who provide essential services; those who work in health, emergency services, schools. AFES (FLINDERS) | thank God for the encouraging leadership retreat last week; pray for Lauren Hull and the larger AFES team as they work to witness to Christ & grow the students in their…

Weekly Readings – September 27th

Mon 28 Sep – Genesis 5 Tue 29 Sep – Genesis 6 Wed 30 Sep – Genesis 7 Thu 1 Oct – Genesis 8 Fri 2 Oct – Genesis 9 Sat 3 Oct – Genesis 10 Sun 4 Oct – Genesis 11 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some…

Weekly Readings – September 20th

Mon 21 Sep – Acts 26 Tue 22 Sep – Acts 27 Wed 23 Sep – Acts 28 Thu 24 Sep – Genesis 1 Fri 25 Sep – Genesis 2 Sat 26 Sep – Genesis 3 Sun 27 Sep – Genesis 4 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key…

Prayer Points – September 20th

OUR NATION | for our leaders, federal, state, & local; especially for Victoria, that the government would be wise with management of COVID, balancing competing needs; for our leaders to cooperate well. WIM & MAAIKE PRINS (CMS/CAMBODIA) | thank God for their safe return to Cambodia & that they are settling back in well; pray that the HOPE school would be able…

Pastor’s Letter – September 20th

Dear friends With Matt preaching his series through Acts, over the last few weeks I have been able to spend a bit more time reading.  One book I have returned to is a book by a man by the name of John Flavel called “Keeping the Heart”.  Its subtitle is “How to maintain your love for God”. Now John Flavel is probably not familiar to many, if any, of you.  He was an English…

Sermon Outline – September 20th

Confident in God’s Sovereign Plan Acts 16:6-15 | MATT WINTER 1. That time where Paul felt like he wasn’t getting anywhere a. Significant Hurdles (16:6-8) b. Significant Instruction (16:9-10) c. Significant Results (16:11-15) 2. Five truths to give us confidence 1 | We’re in this together 2 | The Spirit has put us here 3 | There is openness and hunger 4 | Big…