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Prayer Points – May 23rd

OURSELVES | for a growing love for God, amazement at his grace, & joy in the privilege that we can be adopted as his children through Christ. OUR CHURCH | thank God for those being baptised & making Affirmations (Bri, Stephen, Lauren, Luna, Lara, Rebekah); ask for God to strengthen them in his grace; that we all would be encouraged & enabled to be true to our…

Pastor’s Letter – May 23rd

Dear friends The Psalms are a wonderful gift to us.  They display the whole range of human emotions – from elation to despair, and everything in between.  However. these experiences are always engaged with in the context of relationship with God. This morning I read from Psalm 71: Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,   you who have done great things. Who…

Prayer Points – May 16th

OURSELVES | that we would increasingly be convinced that our hope in Christ is certain & wonderful; that it would transform our lives now. OUR CHURCH | that we would have a growing desire to reach out to those around us with the gospel of grace; that we would warmly welcome all who come. OUR NATION | for implementation of plans for reform of aged care; for necessary…

Weekly Readings – May 16th

Mon 17 May – 1 Samuel 23 Tue 18 May – 1 Samuel 24 Wed 19 May – 1 Samuel 25 Thu 20 May – 1 Samuel 26 Fri 21 May – 1 Samuel 27 Sat 22 May – 1 Samuel 28 Sun 23 May – 1 Samuel 29 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be…

Pastor’s Letter – May 16th

Dear friends This morning I was looking over some notes I made from a great book called Resilient Ministry (note – if you want to be able to care for your Pastors well this book will give valuable insight on how to do that (and, yes, generally I do feel very well cared for)).  I came across this quote: “Pastors often slip into the trap of building their…

Pastor’s Letter – May 9th

Dear friends We have Commitment Sunday coming up on May 23 – a day which I’m sure will be a very special day in the life of our church. We’ll have a number of people at varying ages being baptised and making affirmations of faith. Baptism is a wonderful gift of God. It is a symbolic act only, but a symbolic act which points to spiritual realities. It points to our union…