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Sermon Outline – July 11th

LIFE FROM CHAOS: THE BOOK OF GENESIS Genesis 11:27-12:9 | The BLESSED LIFE MARK CURRAN What does it mean to be blessed? 1. An unlikely man (11:27-32) 2. An unlikely promise (12:1-3) 3. An unlikely faith (12:4-9) 4. An unlikely fulfilment Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James Cameron Munro James 1.1-8, 12-15

Sermon Outline – July 4th

LIFE FROM CHAOS: THE BOOK OF GENESIS Genesis 11:1-9 | Hope & A BIG TOWER MATT WINTER 1. Building our way back 2. Humanity’s plans (11:1-4) 3. God’s plans (11:5-9) 4. How to be great Next Week: Life from Chaos – God’s Hope Mark Curran Genesis 11:27-12:9

Weekly Readings – June 27th

Mon 21 Jun – 1 Peter 5 Tue 22 Jun – 2 Peter 1 Wed 23 Jun – 2 Peter 2 Thu 24 Jun – 2 Peter 3 Fri 25 Jun – Psalm 19 Sat 26 Jun – Psalm 20 Sun 27 Jun – Psalm 21 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some…

Prayer Points – June 27th

OURSELVES | that we would have a growing wonder at God, his grace to us in Christ that we should be called “children of God” (1 Jn 3.1). OUR CHURCH | for the resources we need to continue to grow our church; for wisdom & courage as we plan for our life & mission together as a church. OUR NETWORK | for the leadership of the Trinity Network as they consider how to…

Pastor’s Letter – June 27th

Dear Friends, As a part of my daily “devotional” time, I have been reading a great little book called “Knowing Christ” by Mark Jones.  Recently I read a short chapter entitled “Christ’s Emotions”.  The author, writing on “Christ’s Tears”, took us to the grave of Lazarus in John 11 where it is recorded that “Jesus wept” (Jn 11.35).  Let’s pause for a moment and consider…

Sermon Outline – June 27th

LIFE FROM CHAOS: THE BOOK OF GENESIS Genesis 6 | The FLOOD FOR GROWNUPS MATT WINTER So many Questions… 1. God’s judgement is painful 2. God’s judgement is necessary 3. God’s judgement is loving What the flood asks of us Next Week: Life from Chaos – Hope & A Big Tower Matt Winter Genesis 11:1-9

Pastor’s Letter – June 20th

Dear friends Do you recognize the letters above? Do they mean anything to you? Maybe I haven’t put yours in? Mines there! Can you pick it? If you haven’t headed down this particular rabbit hole before by venturing into the world of personality tests, then you may not be aware that these are all personality types from the Meyers Briggs Personality Test. I’m sure you’re all…

Prayer Points – June 20th

OURSELVES | Pray that as we seek to live lives as those who trust in God rather than ouselves that we would leave a great legacy for those who come after us, especially our kids and youth. OUR CHURCH | Pray for our youth group. Thanks for a great term looking at who we are and what we believe by studying the Apostle’s creed. Pray for those going on Redefinition Camp…