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Prayer Points – February 28th

OURSELVES | that we would have a growing love for God in response to his love for us through Christ; that this love would overflow to neighbours. OUR CHURCH | thanks for the many ways in which our church has been blessed over the last 15 years. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Mount Barker; thank God for the commissioning of Scott Maxwell as Senior Pastor; pray that God…

Weekly Readings – February 28th

Mon 1 Mar – Acts 19 Tue 2 Mar – Acts 20 Wed 3 Mar – Acts 21 Thu 4 Mar – Acts 22 Fri 5 Mar – Acts 23 Sat 6 Mar – Acts 24 Sun 7 Mar – Acts 25 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from…

Pastor’s Letter – February 28th

Dear friends Our church’s turns fifteen next week. On March 5 2006, Trinity Bay (as it was known) was launched in the Holdfast bay Community Centre. John Warner and a team from Holy Trinity Adelaide planted the church and over the years we have seen God’s blessing in so many ways. Not that it has been always smooth sailing. There have been hard times as well as times of…

Weekly Readings – February 21st

Mon 22 Feb – Acts 12 Tue 23 Feb – Acts 13 Wed 24 Feb – Acts 14 Thu 25 Feb – Acts 15 Fri 26 Feb – Acts 16 Sat 27 Feb – Acts 17 Sun 28 Feb – Acts 18 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points…

Pastor’s Letter – February 21st

Dear friends Let’s keep reflecting on the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50).  The story that so many are familiar with – the one told by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat” – does not do the Biblical account justice.  That version is told about a boy whose dreams came true, whereas the Bible is less concerned with Joseph’s personal…

Prayer Points – February 21st

OURSELVES | that we would be people who are regularly engaging with God through reading his Word & responding in prayer; that we would have a strong sense of our sin as well as a growing wonder at his grace to us in Christ. OUR CHURCH | for our ministry to children; for the children & leaders to grow in God’s love; for the kids to grow in a wonder & amazement…

Prayer Points – February 14th

OURSELVES | that we would long for the return of our King; that we would live each day in expectation; that we would persevere in prayer. OUR CHURCH | for our Growth Groups; thank God for the leaders & ask that he would bless & equip them; that they would be a great encouragement to all. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Woodcroft; thanks for new families joining…