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Pastor’s Letter – August 8th
Dear friends Very shortly I will receive my second “AZ Jab”, so I write to bid you all a fond farewell. Just a joke. However, given the tone of currently surrounding much of public conversation about COVID and the AZ vaccine, for some it may seem a little too close to the bone. If you found it “off colour”, please accept my apologies. Many in our society are afraid.…
Sermon Outline – July 18th
Devotion | Steadfast Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1. One Fact 2. Two Options 3. Three Responses Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James – Blessed Cameron Munro James 1.16-27
Weekly Readings – July 18th
Mon 19 Jul – Proverbs 3 Tue 20 Jul – Proverbs 4 Wed 21 Jul – Proverbs 5 Thu 22 Jul – Proverbs 6 Fri 23 Jul – Proverbs 7 Sat 24 Jul – Proverbs 8 Sun 25 Jul – Proverbs 9 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What…
Prayer Points – July 18th
OURSELVES | for a growing devotion to God that is expressed in practical concern for others; for endurance & joy when we face trials. OUR CHURCH | for our staff team as they meet to develop a ministry development plan for our church. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Modbury – give thanks for those who publicly committed their lives to Christ; that they would…
Pastor’s Letter – July 18th
Dear friends I hope you’re having a nice week and if you’ve been able to take some time off for school holidays that you’re getting some good rest in! Everyday we face lots of decisions. My first big one of the day is my breakfast choice. Cereal, muesli, porridge? Or maybe today I have the time to get some bacon, eggs and hash browns going? I have to…
Pastor’s Letter – July 11th
Dear Friends, I recently came across this gem from James Smith (1802-62). Smith was C.H. Spurgeon’s predecessor. This was quoted in the book “Knowing Christ” and it concerns the relationship of Jesus to the Holy Spirit. Wherever the Spirit of Christ is, He … Reveals Christ to the understanding, Enthrones Christ in the affections, Gives Christ the control of the will,…
Prayer Points – July 11th
OURSELVES | for our lives to be marked by a humble obedience & reverence for God’s word. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Adelaide: for wisdom & energy to address the challenge & opportunity presented by the site redevelopment; for the lay & staff leadership to work well together OUR PARTNERS | for BCSA: for Tim Patrick & all staff; for the necessary…
Weekly Readings – July 11th
Mon 12 Jul – James 1 Tue 13 Jul – James 2 Wed 14 Jul – James 3 Thu 15 Jul – James 4 Fri 16 Jul – James 5 Sat 17 Jul – Proverbs 1 Sun 18 Jul – Proverbs 2 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key…