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Sermon Outline – August 22th

DEVOTION | Wise Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1.  Understanding the Heart 2. Sources of Life Wisdom from below Wisdom from above 3. The Wisdom & Power of God Next Week: Life from Chaos – Faith in Famine & Fortune Colin Taylor Genesis 12.10-13.18

Prayer Points – August 15th

Our Ourselves  |  for insight into why we speak the way in which we do; for the grace to repent; that we might honour God and bless others with our words. Our Network  |  for approval of the plans for the development of the city church site; for their plans for planting a new congregation in the west of Adelaide in 2022; for wisdom for church leadership as they anticipate…

Pastor’s Letter – August 15th

Dear friends I’m writing to you on Tuesday as Annika and I are getting ready to go off on holidays tomorrow. COVID permitting we should be in the Northern Territory by the time you read this, enjoying a nice break! We’ll be back at the end of the month and look forward to seeing you all then. I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for filling out…

Weekly Readings – August 22nd

Mon 23 August   Matthew 15 Tue 24 August   Matthew 16 Wed 25 August   Matthew 17 Thu 26 August   Matthew 18 Fri 27 August   Matthew 19 Sat 28 August   Matthew 20 Sun 29 August   Matthew 21 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points…

Prayer Points – August 8th

OURSELVES | for a growing knowledge of God and of the wonder of his grace to us in Christ; for this to increasingly shape our attitudes & actions. OUR CHURCH | for our church to be increasingly a community shaped by the gospel & its implications. OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Woodcroft; thanks for raising sights to God’s worldwide mission thru visits from…

Weekly Readings – August 8th

Mon 9 Aug – Matthew 1 Tue 10 Aug – Matthew 2 Wed 11 Aug – Matthew 3 Thu 12 Aug – Matthew 4 Fri 12 Aug – Matthew 5 Sat 13 Aug – Matthew 6 Sun 14 Aug – Matthew 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are…