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Weekly Readings – September 5th

Mon 6 Sep – Romans 1 Tue 7 Sep – Romans 2 Wed 8 Sep – Romans 3 Thu 9 Sep – Romans 4 Fri 10 Sep – Romans 5 Sat 11 Sep – Romans 6 Sun 12 Sep – Romans 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key…

Sermon Outline – September 5th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Commits Genesis 15 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Getting our bearings 3. Abraham’s Doubts (15:1-8) 4. God’s Commitment (15:9-21) 5. Coming before the God of Grace Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Sees Matt Winter Genesis 16

Weekly Readings – August 29th

Mon 30 August Matthew 22 Tue 31 August Matthew 23 Wed 1 September Matthew 24 Thu 2 September Matthew 25 Fri 3 September Matthew 26 Sat 4 September Matthew 27 Sun 5 September Matthew 28 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from…

Prayer Points – August 29th

Our Ourselves  |  for those who grieve, who are anxious or lonely; that we would be a community that overflows with God’s love for one another & and for our neighbours. Our Network  |  for Trinity Church Modbury as they plan for the next church plant in the north; for the leadership of TC Adelaide as they plan to plant in the western suburbs; for growing &…

Pastor’s Letter – August 29th

29 August 2021 Dear friends This morning in my regular Bible reading I spent some time pondering Psalm 31.  I came away encouraged as I reflected on what God was saying in light of the current situation in our community and our nation. As I am sure you’re aware, we have an issue with a virus, and particularly with a variant that seems to defy our capacity to control it…

Pastor’s Letter – August 22nd

22 August 2021 Dear friends The following is adapted from an article by Josh Manley, “Afghan Pastors Ask for Prayer” (https://www.9marks.org/articles) “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” (Heb. 13:3)  As Taliban forces have swallowed up Afghanistan and even now the capital city of…

Prayer Points – August 22nd

Our Ourselves  |  for our “wisdom” to be displayed in our “good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom”; that we would be prayerful. Our Partner  |  for CMS SA/NT; for the Prins family as they seek to return to South Australia from Cambodia; for the Klein family restarting life in SA. Our City & State  |  for our state government; for our city’s…