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Updates (Page 67)

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Pastor’s Letter – September 19th

Dear friends If you were with us last Sunday you’ll recall we dealt with the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar their slave from Genesis 16. In the sermon I made the claim that the Bible never endorses slavery, and I thought I’d say a little more about why I think that’s true. This is an issue that seems to come up every now and then; one of the more…

Sermon Outline – September 19th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Delivers Genesis 18:1-15 & Genesis 21:1-7 Matt WINTER Introduction 1. A Long Wait 2. A Lavish Meal 3. A Good Laugh Trusting the God who can do the impossible Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Judges and the God who Saves Matt Winter Genesis 18:16-19:29

Weekly Readings – September 12th

Mon 13 Sep – Romans 8 Tue 14 Sep – Romans 9 Wed 15 Sep – Romans 10 Thu 16 Sep – Romans 11 Fri 17 Sep – Romans 12 Sat 18 Sep – Romans 13 Sun 19 Sep – Romans 14 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some…

Prayer Points – September 12th

Our Church  | for our church to be one in which every person is welcomed, loved & cared for within a grace-filled community; for Digging Deeper. Our Network   | for the Network plans for 2022; for wisdom for those who lead to work out what ministry is better to do together; for Trinity Youth. Our Partners  | for AFES (Flinders) – thank God for the great Jesus…

Pastor’s Letter – September 12th

Dear friends I am writing to inform you that Matt and I have had a disagreement. It was about a significant issue.  We both explained our point of view and, in spite of what was said, neither of us were prepared to change our respective views.  And we’re totally okay with that. I am sure you’re wondering what the issue was.  It was about COVID passports.  One of us…

Sermon Outline – September 12th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Sees Genesis 16 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Sarah: God’s ends, but our means? 3. Abraham: Faltering trust 4. Hagar: Mistreatment used for good? 5. God: The one who sees Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Delivers Matt Winter Genesis 18:1-15

Pastor’s Letter – September 5th

Dear friends Trinity Church Brighton’s first Digging Deeper is coming up next week.  As the idea may be unfamiliar, let me give you a few details. We are taking the opportunity to bring all our Growth Groups (and anyone else who wants to come) together for a time of teaching that would not otherwise be possible.  It will also be a great time for sharing with others who we…

Prayer Points – September 5th

Our Ourselves  | for fathers & families this Father’s Day; give thanks for fathers who have been a blessing to their families; for comfort for those for whom this is a difficult time; that we would rejoice and rest in the love of our Heavenly Father. Our Church   |  for our Digging Deeper series; for Cameron as he works to put the sessions together; that this time…