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Sermon Outline – November 7th

Famous Last Words | Be Continually Strengthened by Grace CAmeron MUnRO | 2 Timothy 2:1-7 Introduction 1. Task 2. Provision 3. Responsibility – Apprehension (Understanding) – Attitude – Action Next Week: Cameron Munro | 2 Timothy 2:8-28 | Famous Last Words – Remember Christ

Pastor’s Letter – November 7th

Dear friends As a part of my new role I have been asked to start thinking about a conference called “Building Momentum”.  Why am I telling you this? The conference is all about how churches and Christian organisations might work together more effectively to reach a city.  City to City Europe have a little graphic called “Stages of City Movements” which details these…

Weekly Readings – October 31st

Mon 1 Nov – 2 Timothy 3 Tue 2 Nov – 2 Timothy 4 Wed 3 Nov – Luke 1 Thu 4 Nov – Luke 2 Fri 5 Nov – Luke 3 Sat 6 Nov – Luke 4 Sun 7 Nov – Luke 5 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from…

Prayer Points – October 31st

Ourselves  | that we would “keep the pattern of sound teaching” and “guard the good deposit” of God’s word; for hearts that tremble at God’s word. Our Church  | for our Church Leadership Team as they meet on November 1 with the Network Leadership to plan for the appointment of a new Senior Pastor; for trust in God’s provision; for our Christmas Outreach – that many…

Pastor’s Letter – October 31st

Dear friends Yesterday I received our cards for this year’s Christmas mission in the mail. I reckon they look pretty cool and I’ll have them on Sunday ready for you to check them out, and maybe grab a bunch if you’re starting to make gifts. If you haven’t seen the details for the Christmas mission this year, you can checkout the video Jane and I…

Sermon Outline – October 17th

Trusting God | Now & into the Future Psalm 62 | Luke Wisely Introduction 1. Be Confident in the Lord Alone (vv. 1–2) 2. Be Prepared for Confidence to Sway (vv. 3–4) 3. Strengthen Your Confidence in the Lord (vv. 5–9) 4. Trust in the Message of God’s Power and Love (vv. 9–12) Next Week: Cameron Munro | Connect2022 | Connect with God

Pastor’s Letter – October 17th

Dear friends Last night I came across this quote.  It is so good I thought I might share it with you.  It is from the pen of Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664) – please forgive the non-PC nature of the language. “Only Christ is the whole of man’s happiness, the Sun to enlighten him, the Physician to heal him, the Wall of fire to defend him, the Friend to comfort him,…