Updates (Page 59)

Updates (Page 59)

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Prayer Points – December 19th

Our Church | Pray for our youth and young adults. Give thanks for the year of youth group, for our leaders and for the way the group has grown together. Give thanks for our young adults group and particularly Daniel, Jules and Cadeau who’ve led the group. Pray for both groups to continue to be blessed in 2022, and pray for Jules and Cadeau as they move away next year. Our…

Pastor’s Letter – December 19th

Hi Everyone, I hope you’ve had a great week so far. It was great to see so many amazing gifts at our ‘gift swap day’ on Sunday. I hope lots of you have been able to give out your gifts and that for some it’s led to great opportunities for good conversation. There’s a handful of gifts still leftover, so if you missed out you’ll get…

Weekly Readings – December 19th

Mon 20 Dec Acts 8 Tue 21 Dec Acts 9 Wed 22 Dec Acts 10 Thu 23 Dec Acts 11 Fri 24 Dec Acts 12 Sat 25 Dec Acts 13 Sun 26 Dec Acts 14 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or request?

Weekly Readings – December 12th

Mon 13 Dec Acts 1 Tue 14 Dec Acts 2 Wed 15 Dec Acts 3 Thu 16 Dec Acts 4 Fri 17 Dec Acts 5 Sat 18 Dec Acts 6 Sun 19 Dec Acts 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or request?

Prayer Points – December 12th

Our Church | Pray for the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership team. Give thanks for their godly service to us. Pray for wisdom and ongoing faithfulness in their leadership, particularly in light of the ongoing process to find a new Senior Pastor. Our Network | Pray for Trinity Church Unley. Give thanks for the connections that church members have made during their Spring…

Sermon Outline – December 12th

A Very Different Christmas | A Christmas for the Disillusioned matt Winter | IsaIAH 9:1-7 Chirstmas Expectations 1. Hope for Israel (9:1-5) 2. Hope in a child (9:6-7) 3. A hope filled Christmas – Engage without desparing – Celebrate with depth – Direct our anticipation Next Week: A Very Different Christmas | A Christmas for the Weary | Jeremiah 31:15-25

Pastor’s Letter – December 12th

Hi Everyone, Salt and pepper. Chicken and chips. Shoes and socks. Christmas and presents. Gift-giving and Christmas go hand and hand nowadays. Can you imagine a Christmas without presents? Maybe you’re not faced with a gift-giving onslaught, but for me, there can be work present games, the kids’ school Kris Kringle, Kris Kringle on one side of the family, Kris Kringle on…

Prayer Points – December 5th

Our Church  |  Pray that through the Summer and Christmas period we’d be bold in inviting guests to join us for church. Pray we’d be ready to welcome and include those who come. Pray that Jesus would add to his people at Trinity Church Brighton. Our Partner  |  Pray for the Prins family, CMS missionaries finishing up their time in Cambodia. Thank God that they have safely…