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Sermon Outline – January 23rd
Our Work: God’s Plan | Paul Harrington Week 2: Working for the Lord | Ephesians 6:5-9 Struggling to find a work/life balance? Putting ‘work’ in perspective 1. What does the Bible say about vocation/calling? Ecclesiastes 2:24 The Bible on calling God ‘calls’ people (1 Thessalonians 5:24) Christians are ‘called’ ones (Romans 8:28) ‘Called’ through the gospel (2…
Weekly Readings – January 23rd
Mon 24 Jan Galatians 3 Tue 25 Jan Galatians 4 Wed 26 Jan Galatians 5 Thu 27 Jan Galatians 6 Fri 28 Jan 1 John 1 Sat 29 Jan 1 John 2 Sun 30 Jan 1 John 3 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance,…
Weekly Readings – January 16th
Mon 17 Jan Daniel 8 Tue 18 Jan Daniel 9 Wed 19 Jan Daniel 10 Thu 20 Jan Daniel 11 Fri 21 Jan Daniel 12 Sat 22 Jan Galatians 1 Sun 23 Jan Galatians 2 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance,…
Pastor’s Letter – January 16th
Hi Everyone, I’m really looking forward to our next three weeks of church. We have Paul Harrington joining us to speak on the topic “Our Work: God’s Plan”. I reckon ‘work’ is a great topic for us to be thinking about at the moment. Work (And by work I mean work in a broad sense – we work in paid employment, as we study, as we care…
Prayer Points – January 16th
Our Church | Pray for our staff team. For Matt and Annika – thank God that they’ve been able to have a time of good rest over summer. For Matt – pray for him as he prepares to preach through term 1 from the book of Luke, works to get youth ministry underway for the year, and pray for wisdom in navigating and caring for people amongst COVID challenges.…
Sermon Outline – January 16th
Our Work: God’s Plan | Paul Harrington Week 1: Made to Work | Genesis 1:27-2:15 Work: a love/hate relationship 1. Made to work Genesis 1:27 Genesis 1:26 Genesis 1:28 Genesis 2:15 Colossians 3:17 2. The ‘Fall’ affects our work Genesis 3:17 3. The Necessity of Work 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 10. 4. A diagnostic framework for Work 5. Exploring some implications Work and…
Prayer Points – January 9th
Our Church | Pray that as 2022 gets underway amongst much uncertainty, that this year would be one of growth for our church. That we would lookout to our neighbours, colleages and friends and invite them to join us. That many would come to visit us and join our church family. That many would come to hear the good news of Jesus for themselves. Our Partner | Pray for our…
Sermon Outline – January 9th
Psalm 2 | Daniel Munro 1. The King 2. The Better King 3. Taking Refuge in the King Next Week My Work, God’s Plan | Made to Work | Paul Harrington