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Sermon Outline – February 6th

The King Among Us When the Real King Comes | Luke 19:28-48 No More Pretence 1. The King Announced 2. ‘Everyone’s Got an Opinion’ 3. Three questions for us – Do we deal with the Real Jesus? – Do we have misplaced expectations of Jesus? – Will we stick with Jesus? Next Week The King Among Us: Confronting Authority (Luke 20:1-19) | Matt…

Weekly Readings – February 6th

Mon 7 Feb Exodus 2 Tue 8 Feb Exodus 3 Wed 9 Feb Exodus 4 Thu 10 Feb Exodus 5 Fri 11 Feb Exodus 6 Sat 12 Feb Exodus 7 Sun 13 Feb Exodus 8 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or…

Prayer Points – January 30th

Our Church | Pray for our musicians and vocalists. Thank God for their service to us and their faithfulness in serving despite COVID restrictions making their task harder. Thank God too for those who serve us by doing sound and running the projector slides, and pray for more who might serve us in all these areas. Pray for our congretation, that as we sing and are lead in…

Weekly Readings – January 30th

Mon 31 Jan 1 John 4 Tue 1 Feb 1 John 5 Wed 2 Feb 2 John Thu 3 Feb 3 John Fri 4 Feb Jude Sat 5 Feb Philemon Sun 6 Feb Exodus 1 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or request?

Sermon Outline – January 30th

Our Work: God’s Plan | Paul Harrington Week 3: Doing the Lord’s Work | 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, 50-58 1. There is a Futility/vanility to work Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 Work has a significant but limited purpose 2. But there is work/labour that is not vain/futile 1 Corinthians 15:58 What is this ‘working for the Lord’? Who are the ‘workers’? 1…

Pastor’s Letter – January 30th

Dear Friends, This week I’m delighted to be able to let you know that we have appointed Jane Finlayson to a new position at Trinity Church Brighton. As most of you will know, Jane has been serving with us for a couple of years in a volunteer capacity while studying at Bible College. We’ve now appointed her to a paid role, titled Ministry Support Worker, for 10…

Pastor’s Letter – January 23rd

Hi Everyone, This week I’ve been reading a book called “Being the Bad Guys” by Stephen McAlpine. (Some might remember that Cameron promoted this book at Digging Deeper last year.) I particularly found the fifth chapter of the book helpful. It points out a “gospel” that’s becoming increasingly popular in our society. A gospel that says…

Prayer Points – January 23rd

Our Church | Pray for our kids. Pray that as the school year draws near that our kids would feel rested, ready and excited for another year of schooling, particularly amongst the stress of a complex start to the year with COVID. Pray for our kids ministry, that kids would continue to look forward to kids church and that they would learn and grow to have strong trust in…