Updates (Page 55)

Updates (Page 55)

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Prayer Points – March 20th

Our Church | We pray for our staff team this morning. Pray for Matt and the Winters, for good energy and health going into Easter and for wisdom through this time of transition. Pray for Jane and give thanks for her energy and work in so many areas, particularly with Kids Church. Pray too for Simon Marshman, and pray that he’s able to enjoy his break and that the…

Pastor’s Letter – March 20th

Dear Friends, I hope you’ve had a great week, and if you were away with the long weekend you managed to get some good rest time in. This Sunday we’ll be continuing our series through the Easter week. We’ve now finished the various discussions and teaching that Jesus’ gave at the Temple during that week, and we’ll now begin looking at the…

Prayer Points – March 13th

Our Church | We pray today in light of the knowledge that Jesus will one day return. We pray for our friends, colleagues, neighbours and everyone in our community who doesn’t know Jesus. We pray that God would work to ensure people have opportunities to think about Jesus for themselves, and we pray that many would turn to him. Help us to be willing to be used for…

Pastor’s Letter – March 13th

Dear Friends, I hope you’ve had a great week so far. I know some of you are getting ready to head away for the long weekend, in which case I hope you have a restful and safe break. For those who are around, we’ll be looking forward to another Sunday service together as we look at Luke 21, our last week before we begin looking at the Easter account. (While…

Weekly Readings – March 13th

Mon 14 Mar Exodus 37 Tue 15 Mar Exodus 38 Wed 16 Mar Exodus 39 Thu 17 Mar Exodus 40 Fri 18 Mar Ephesians 1 Sat 19 Mar Ephesians 2 Sun 20 Mar Ephesians 3 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise,…

Pastor’s Letter – March 6th

Dear Friends, I consider myself fortunate to be part of a church where people care about others. As a church we desire to see people come to Christ and grow and mature in their faith. I see this in the way our congregation speak to new people and encourage each other. I am very thankful for this. We recently held a lunch and discussion time for our church Welcome team.…

Prayer Points – March 6th

Our Church | We pray for our musicians. We thankyou for the way they serve us so faithfully, particularly over the past few months amongst change and COVID challenges. Thanks for the way in which music lifts our affections and emotions to respond to God with love and praise. We pray that God would bless our music ministry, add more who could serve us in this area, and…