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Weekly Readings – April 17th
Mon 18 Apr Leviticus 1 Tue 19 Apr Leviticus 2 Wed 20 Apr Leviticus 3 Thu 21 Apr Leviticus 4 Fri 22 Apr Leviticus 5 Sat 23 Apr Leviticus 6 Sun 24 Apr Leviticus 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise,…
Sermon Outline – April 17th
Resurrection Sunday Matt Winter 1. Why would I want it to be true? 2. Is there any evidence that it’s true? 3. Will I run to Jesus? Next Week Luke 1:1-4 | Matt Winter
Prayer Points – April 10th
Our Church | We pray that as a church we would continue to reach people with the good news of Jesus. We pray that next week’s Easter services would be warm, inviting and that many would come to hear and reflect on the Easter Message. We pray too that events like Simon’s upcoming commissioning would be good opportunities to reach out into our commuinty. May we…
Weekly Readings – April 10th
Mon 11 Apr Luke 19 Tue 12 Apr Luke 20 Wed 13 Apr Luke 21 Thu 14 Apr Luke 22 Fri 15 Apr Luke 23 Sat 16 Apr Luke 24 Sun 17 Apr John 20 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or request?
Sermon Outline – April 10th
The Night of Trials (Part 3) Matt Winter 1. The created take down the creator 2. The innocent are punished 3. The guilty one goes free Next Week Resurrection Sunday | Luke 24:1-12
Pastor’s Letter – April 10th
This week’s pastoral letter comes in the form of a video from Paul Harrington, our Senior Network Pastor, as we look towards Easter:
Prayer Points – April 3rd
Our Church | We thank God this morning for those who help make church happen each week. For those who serve us in setup, packup, for those who run the sound desk and projector slides. Thanks for their gifts and their example of servant heartedness. We pray that these ministries would be blessed, that we’d keep having enough people to do these things so that the…
Sermon Outline – April 3rd
The Night of Trials (Part 2) Matt Winter 1. Peter’s Test 2. The Disciples’ Test 3. Jesus’ Test Next Week The King Among Us | The Night of Trials (Part 3) | Luke 22:63-23:56 | Matt Winter