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Pastor’s Letter – July 10th

Dear Friends, How’s your week been? In the Winter household we’ve been stuck at home this week with COVID. Annika tested positive on Saturday, and the rest of us were positive by Tuesday. We’ve got lots to be thankful for though – so far we’ve all had quite mild cases, and we’re making the most of hunkering down at home by watching…

Prayer Points – July 10th

Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we’d be a church that seeks to reach our and participate in Jesus’ mission to this world. We pray that we’d be on mission both as individuals and together as a Church. Our Youth | We’re praying for our youth this morning, particularly those who are this weekend at Redefinition Youth Camp in Victor…

Weekly Readings – July 10th

Mon 11 Jul Numbers 21 Tue 12 Jul Numbers 22 Wed 13 Jul Numbers 23 Thu 14 Jul Numbers 24 Fri 15 Jul Numbers 25 Sat 16 Jul Numbers 26 Sun 17 Jul Numbers 27 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise,…

Pastor’s Letter – July 3rd

G’day friends, As we make our way through this year as a church I’m really thankful we can do that together. Church is a team sport with eternity in the balance, so I count it such a great privilege to be doing it with you! God has been kind to challenge us to consider how we might partner together financially for the sake of the gospel. So far we’ve had 27…

Prayer Points – July 3rd

Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we’d be a church that’s growing in our love for Jesus. That we’d be seeing more and more clearly what he’s done for us and responding by making him large in our lives and hearts. Our Network | This morning we’re praying for Trinity Church Unley. We can give thanks for their recent belong…

Weekly Readings – July 3rd

Mon 4 Jul Numbers 14 Tue 5 Jul Numbers 15 Wed 6 Jul Numbers 16 Thu 7 Jul Numbers 17 Fri 8 Jul Numbers 18 Sat 9 Jul Numbers 19 Sun 10 Jul Numbers 20   QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise,…

Sermon Outline – June 26th

Marriage In Christ | Ephesians 5:21-33 Simon MARSHMAN Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (v21)     Wives submit to your husbands (v22-24)     Husbands love your wives (v25-30)     Marriage means something (v31-33)     A note for: Christian marriages…   Christians married to non-Christians…  …

Pastor’s Letter – June 26th

Dear Friends, In Ephesians 3:10 God gives such a surprising explanation of what his purpose for church is: “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms…” I think that’s amazing: That God’s purpose in bringing us into his family, gathering us together as…