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Prayer Points – August 21st
Our Church | In light of God’s great generosity to us in Christ, we’re asking God to grow our hearts of Gospel Generosity: a generosity that overflows in the way we give of our time, our energy, our money, looking beyond ourselves in prayer and partnership. Our Gospel Partners | We have the great privilege of partnering in God’s work on the university…
Sermon Outline – August 14th
The Great Wrestler Matt Winter 1. Who meets God? 2. How he meets God. 3. Why he meets God. Next Week Genesis 37 | The Dreamer’s Rule | Matt Winter
Pastor’s Letter – August 14th
Dear Friends, We are greatly blessed to have a wonderful church family here at Trinity Church Brighton. Every week I count it a privilege to get together with a great bunch of people who love Jesus and love each other. But I’m often left wishing we had more time to enjoy each other’s company, get to know each other better, and connect with people who we may not have met…
Prayer Points – August 14th
Our Church | Let’s pray for the youth in our church – that they would grow in knowledge and love of Jesus through their teenage years. Ask God to give our youth the courage to share the hope they have in Jesus with their friends, even when this is a scary thing to do. Our Gospel Partners | This week we pray for the Trinity churches in the hills an Fleurieu…
Prayer Points – August 7th
This week’s prayer points have a focus on Mission, as CMS Regional Director Mark Peterson helps us see our place in God’s picture for Global Mission Our Church | This morning we’re praying that as a church we’d together grow to be mature disciples of Jesus. Pray that God, by his Spirit might keep making us more like his son and help us to know him…
Sermon Outline – August 7th
The Wrestler’s Love Matt Winter Craving Blessing… 1. The Desire 2. The Trick 3. The Answer Next Week Genesis 32 | The Great Wrestler | Matt Winter
Pastor’s Letter – August 7th
Dear Friends, I’ve enjoyed getting back into Genesis over the past couple of weeks and I’m looking forward to a second week of thinking about the story of Jacob this coming Sunday. We were chatting about Jacob in bible study this week and thinking…. “geez this guy doesn’t come off very well does he?”. As you think about it, while Jacob…
Sermon Outline – July 31st
The Wrestler’s Blessing Matt Winter More than a story… 1. Blessing in Genesis (The Need for Blessing) 2. Jacob’s Blessing (Going about things the Wrong way?) 3. Finding Blessing Today Next Week Genesis 29 | The Wrestler’s Love | Matt Winter