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Sermon Outline – November 20
Forgive us, As we…. Matthew 18:21-35 & Matthew 6:12 A Great Debt A God of Forgiveness A Forgiving Heart A Community of Grace Next Week Lead Us Not | Simon Marshman
Prayer Points – November 20
Our Church | We’re praying for our membership area this morning. That means asking thanking God for our community and asking his help as we seek to care for one another well. We can pray for those who are struggling at the moment and can pray too that those who are newer among us might quickly feel like they are loved and that they belong. Our Gospel Network | This…
Sermon Outline – November 13
Give Us Matthew 6:25-34 and 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Simon Marshman Don’t you know you have a father in heaven who loves you? ‘Give us today our daily bread.’ What does this mean? 1 Timothy 6 and what this might look like Godly Contentment Godly Discontentment “Joyful dependence on God’s generosity to you that overflows in your joyful…
Pastor’s Letter – November 13
Hello church, Last Sunday Matt gave us a really helpful way of thinking through what it means to pray ‘your kingdom come’. It means we’re praying for God’s rule to be expressed in the present in our own lives and in the lives of those around us, and in the future on that great day when Jesus returns. It was a great reminder of two things: First and foremost it was a great…
Prayer Points – November 6
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our staff and leadership team. We can give thanks for recent holidays for staff and good times of refreshment. And we can also give thanks for the faithfulness of our leadership team and how they’ve helped us navigate the changes of the past 12 months. We can pray particularly for wisdom as staff and leadership put…
Sermon Outline – November 6
Your Kingdom Come Matthew 13:24-52 and Matthew 6:10 Matt Winter What does this mean? Link to God’s Big Picture: Click Here Why would we pray for this? We’re praying for: His kingdom to come in us His kingdom to come in others Jesus to come again How should this shape us? It shapes our: Desires Mission Hope Next Week Give us each day | Simon Marshman
Pastor’s Letter – November 6
Dear Friends, Over the past two Sundays at church we’ve begun stepping through the Lord’s Prayer. It’s been great to explore what it teaches us about prayer, but also about what Jesus wants us to value most. As we thought about the line ‘hallowed be your name’ on Sunday we spoke about how God’s great desire is to display his glory and…
Prayer Points – October 30th
Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we’d be a church that participates and is fruitful in Jesus’ mission to make and grow disciples. Pray that we’d be people who’d look for and take opportunities to share our hope with others. We’re praying particularly for our upcoming Christmas mission that this would create many…