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Prayer Points – April 23rd
Our Church | Let’s pray for the kids and youth of our church. Praise God for a great Summit youth camp last weekend and ask God to help our youth know they have a valued place in our church family and for our youth leaders and pastors as we seek to help the youth engage with our Sunday services. Pray for the kids ministry and its leaders. Our Partners | Pray…
Prayer Points – April 16th
Our Church | Let’s pray Summit Camp in Normanville. Around 60 teens from the 5 churches in the southern region of the Trinity Network are away this weekend to learn more of God’s grace in Jesus. Pray for Matt Winter as he gives the talks and Joel Keen and Grace Morokai as they lead Bible studies. More than anything, let’s ask God to do a mighty work…
Sermon Outline – April 16
Resurrection Discussion Panel 1 Corinthians 15:1-20, 50-58 | Simon Marshman 1. Christ indeed has been raised 2. Our faith is not futile 3. Your labour in the Lord is not in vain Next Week Mark Peterson from CMS will be visiting
Pastor’s Letter – April 16
Hi All, I hope your week this week has gone well, and you were able to enjoy some rest on the public holiday on Monday? What a great Easter we had at church this year – thanks to all who served us in so many ways. This coming weekend is an exciting one for our church too – particularly for our youth who are going away on Summit Camp. Summit Camp is put on by…
Pastor’s Letter – April 9
Hi All, At times the hustle and bustle of life feels like a constant effort to “make like a duck” (keep a steady appearance above the water while frantically paddling underneath). I reckon that’s why Aussie’s love Easter – because it’s a precious four day weekend! But Easter is really a wonderful time of pausing and resting in who Jesus is and how…
Sermon Outline – April 2
He Came To Die Mark 8:22-9:1 | Matt Winter 1. Who is Jesus 2. What has he come to do? 3. Will you be his disciple? Download study notes for Mark’s gospel here Next Week Easter Services | Friday and Sunday 10am
Pastor’s Letter – April 2
Hi All, It always feels like a bit of an accomplishment when we get to the end of a sermon series at church. I think it’s something worth celebrating and giving thanks for – and so, on that note, what a great time we’ve spent going through the first half of the book of Mark this term! I don’t know about you but I’ve seen plenty of things…
Prayer Points – April 2nd
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our Ministry area and praying that we’d be a church that would love to serve one another. We can thank God today for those who serve in setup and packup, and pray that God would bless those who serve in this way. Pray for wisdom as we keep thinking about how to best set things up for the sake of all of us and to make…