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Sermon Outline – May 28
The Problem With Our Efforts Romans 2:17-29 | Simon Marshman 1. The sign that was meant to be more than skin deep 2. The danger of Virtue Signalling 3. The only hope for real relationship Next Week The Reality We All Face – Romans 3:1-20 – Simon Marshman
Prayer Points – May 28
Our Church | This week we’re praying that we would be a church that uses generously the gifts we’ve been given for the gospel. We can give thanks that our financial budget is being met so far this year, and can also give thanks for those who give their time to serve each Sunday in so many areas. Our Partners | We’re praying for Bible College SA today. We…
Pastor’s Letter – May 28
Hi All, Hope you’ve had a great week so far. In this week’s email I have a couple of quick reminders, then I’d love to share about something exciting we’re starting at church over the next couple of weeks. TWO REMINDERS This Sunday we’re putting aside some time for Q+A. If you have questions coming out of the last few weeks we’ve spent…
Sermon Outline – May 21
The Problem For Us All Romans 2:1-16 | Simon Marshman v1-5 A brief lesson in self-righteous pride v6-16 An important perspective on the future What does this look like today? Next Week The Problem With Our Attempts – Romans 2:17-29 – Simon Marshman
Pastor’s Letter – May 21
G’day Church, Last week we sat with the weighty words of Romans 1:18-32. There is no doubt that it’s a pretty confronting passage. But over the years I have found verses 18 to 21 a great summary of how God describes the problem at the heart of our relationship with him. It’s a great summary for us to get our heads around, and a great passage to have in mind as a go-to…
Prayer Points – May 21
Our Church | This week we’re praying that we would be a church on mission. We can pray especially for our mission team and the work they’re doing in helping us to think about how to share the gospel more effectively with our community. Our Network | We’re praying for Trinity Church Tonsley this morning. We can pray for their upcoming belong course, and…
Sermon Outline – May 14
The Problem Of Sin Romans 1:18-32 | Simon Marshman v18-23 The heart of the human problem: our failure to treat God as God v24-32 The problem of the human heart: “God gave them over…” Of many great books that we could recommend, here are three by Tim Keller: Reason For God: belief in an age of skepticism. This is an outstanding…
Pastor’s Letter – May 14
G’day Church, Last week we saw the wonderful cascade of the gospel: Paul was eager to share the gospel, because he was not ashamed of the gospel, because the gospel is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, because in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. It’s a cascade of amazing kindness that flows out of God himself: God is an overflowing…