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Prayer Points – June 25
Our Church | Today we’re praying for Trinity Kids. Let’s lift up our Creche, Minis and Mixers groups to God and pray for our kids and leaders. Our Partner | Today we’re praying for AFES Student Ministry at Flinders Uni and especially for Lauren. We can give thanks for a great semester, and pray for students like Tani, Sia and Lena who have been…
Sermon Outline – June 18
Looking for Rescue Exodus 2 | Matt Winter 1. What we can do (2:1-10) 2. What our limits are (2:11-22) 3. Where we should really look (2:23-25) Next Week Holy God, Burning Bush – Exodus 3
Prayer Points – June 18
Our Church | Today we’re praying for our Membership area. This is a great chance to pray that we’d be a church that loves and cares for one another well, and especially welcomes new people into our church helpfully. Let’s pray in particular for the ‘Belong’ events today and on Thursday that they’d be helpful times to that end. Our…
Sermon Outline – June 11
Fear and Freedom Exodus 1 | Matt Winter Introduction 1. What’s gone wrong? 2. Are there any signs of hope? 3. Where’s God in this? 4. What’s the significance for us? Next Week Looking for Rescue – Exodus 2
Pastor’s Letter – June 11th
Hi All, I hope this letter finds you well as we head into a long weekend. If you’re heading away, stay safe and do enjoy some good rest in God’s beautiful world. Don’t forget, you can fire up Spotify and catchup on Sunday’s sermon next week (maybe on the drive home on Monday??). We’re beginning a new book of the Bible at church this Sunday,…
Prayer Points – June 11
Our Church | We’re praying today for our staff and leadership team. We can thank God for our pastors, Simon and Matt and pray especially for a good rest for Simon who’s on leave this week. We can pray for our leadership team as they spend time doing big picture planning looking forward to the next few years of ministry. Our Partner | Today we’re praying…
Sermon Outline – June 4
The Reality We All Face Romans 3:1-20 | Simon Marshman 1. Two false conclusions (v1-8) 2. The one right conclusion (v9-20) 3. The fight for freedom Next Week Fear And Freedom – Exodus 1:1-22 – Matt Winter
Prayer Points – June 4
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our church as we minister to each other. We can give thanks for the opportunity to serve each other in so many ways. We can thank God particularly who serve on the coffee cart, bring morning tea, or come in early to help with setup. We can pray that all of us would find ways to use our gifts to serve the body of Christ.…