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Pastor’s Letter – August 27th
Hello Church, This Sunday after church we have the second of our two evangelism training sessions with the team from Engage Work Faith. All the feedback I’ve had from the first session was that people found it really helpful and we’re all looking forward to Part 2. The material has been carefully prepared so that Part 2 is going to be really helpful regardless of whether…
Prayer Points – August 27
Our Church | Today we’re praying for Trinity Kids. Let’s pray that as the Israelites passed on the meaning of the passover to their children, that Trinity Kids would be a great ministry where we as a church are passing on the truth of the gospel to the next generation. Let’s bring our leaders and kids to God in prayer and also pray for more leaders as…
Pastor’s Letter – August 20th
G’day Church, We had such a great time at the Engage Work Faith seminar last Sunday that I I thought it’d be good to sum up some of the most helpful moments from the seminar. At the bottom of this email are a few key diary dates coming up. The seminar got us thinking about how we grow in our ability to get to know our non-Christian friends and colleagues. I think we could…
Sermon Outline – August 20
There Is No One Like Him Exodus 7:14-10:29 | Simon Marshman 1. God’s good order and the horror of chaos. 2. God’s overwhelming power and the futility of alternative options. Next Week Exodus 11:1-13:16 | Simon Marshman
Prayer Points – August 20
Our Church | Today we’re praying for our membership area; praying that we’d be a church that cares for, prays for, and encourages one another well. Let’s give thanks particularly for those who serve in areas like hosting, coffee and morning tea each Sunday, as well as those who serve on our Pastoral Care team and who help provide meals for those in need.…
Prayer Points – August 13
Our Church | Today we’re praying for our staff and leadership team. We can pray for Simon and Matt and their families, for ongoing health and energy. We can particularly bring our leadership team before God as they continue to plan for 2024. Our Network | We’re praying this morning for Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens. We can thank God that he’s…
Sermon Outline – August 6
Listening to the Good and Faithful God Exodus 5:1-6:12 | Simon Marshman Pharaoh’s Response Israel’s response (1) God’s response Israel’s response (2) Our response Next Week Exodus 6:13-7:13 | Simon Marshman
Pastor’s Letter – August 6th
G’day Church, We’ve got a few events coming up to help us introduce people to Jesus. I thought it might be good to explain the logic of the way we’ve planned this. Sometimes we might have an opportunity for a gospel conversation come right out of the blue – like when a stranger on the plane asks about the book you’re reading and it all just cascades from there, for…