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Sermon Outline – October 15

Wisdom’s Worldview Proverbs 8:1-26 | Jack Hamer Why are you a Christian? The Scene Set 1. Wisdom is not hidden 2. Wisdom is truth that leads to flourishing 3. Wisdom is more valuable than riches 4. Wisdom is the very pattern of creation itself 5. Jesus is creations redemption   Why are you a Christian?   Next Week Romans 5:12-21 – Matt Winter

Prayer Points – October 15

Our Church | Today we pray for the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team. This is our lay leadership team charged with oversight of the administration of our church alongside our pastoral staff: Jane Unsworth, Lauren Hull, Grace Morokai, Paul Wight, Mike Hern and Stephen Watson. Our Network | As we hear from Jack Hamer who serves with Evangelical Students at the…

Pastor’s Letter – October 8

Hi All, This year we’ve been on quite a journey in the parts of the Bible we’ve studied at church: In term 1 we worked through the first half of Mark, hearing about Jesus, who he was and what he came to do. We then moved into the first part of Romans, hearing about human sinfulness and our need for rescue. In the first half of Exodus, we then saw an amazing…

Prayer Points – October 8

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our ‘Ministry’ area and that we would serve each other well. We can give great thanks especially for the 90 (!) people who are regularly involved in serving formally on Sundays, and pray that God would keep providing the people we need to make our Sunday services happen. Our Network | We’re praying today for…

Sermon Outline – October 8

Faithful to the Message Acts 10:1-48 | Matt Lehmann Do we believe what we believe? To be faithful to the message we need to: (a) Know who needs to hear the message. (b) Be clear on delivering the message accurately. Pretty lame in comparison…   Next Week Guest Preacher – Jack Hamer

Sermon Outline – October 1

The Love of Grace ROMANS 5:1-11 | MAtt Winter The Great Gospel Love of God Love in the Past: Jesus sacrifice for sinners Love in the Present: Peace with God Love in the Future: Hope that will not let you down   Next Week Guest Preacher: Matt Lehmann

Pastor’s Letter – October 1

Hi All, I’ve really enjoyed these last couple of weeks in Romans and even though it’s a part of the Bible I know well, I still feel like I’ve been struck by all sorts of things I either haven’t seen before or just haven’t been struck by before! (Which isn’t surprising given this is God’s living and active word!) One of those…

Prayer Points – October 1

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our mission to share the gospel with those in our community. Let’s pray especially for the ‘Last Daughter’ movie screening and the ‘Taste and See’ course happening in November, and that they would be great opportunities to share the good news. Our Partner | We’re praying today for K in South…