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Pastor’s Letter – October 29

G’day Church, If you weren’t able to be at church last Sunday you missed an update on some of our mission and outreach activities: The Last Daughter film screening on Friday 20th: This was a great night! In addition to a bunch of our church members, we had 14 guests, many of whom don’t know Jesus or attend a church. This event grew out of an idea from a couple of…

Prayer Points – October 29

Our Church | Let’s pray this Sunday for Trinity Kids. It’s been growing so much this year, expanding to three age groups (creche, minis, mixers) and we set a new record of 19 kids in Mixers alone last Sunday! We can be so thankful too for our leaders, although we need to keep praying for more leaders as the ministry keeps growing so that our leaders can serve…

Prayer Points – October 22

Our Church | In a world that is searching everywhere for community and belonging and real friendship, God has been so kind to bring us together as his people, around his Son in the bond of his Spirit. Let’s pray that we’d love one another and welcome newcomers in a way that reflects this profound reality. Our Network | God’s doing great things in the…

Pastor’s Letter – October 22

Hello Church, Many of you will have heard of my wife Peta’s recent recovery from emergency surgery. Peta had surgery at the RAH on Friday 6th for a complication that arose from a dental problem, which then required an extended stay in ICU, before returning home on Friday 13th. It will take some time for her to return to full health, but we’re thankful to God for small…

Sermon Outline – October 15

Wisdom’s Worldview Proverbs 8:1-26 | Jack Hamer Why are you a Christian? The Scene Set 1. Wisdom is not hidden 2. Wisdom is truth that leads to flourishing 3. Wisdom is more valuable than riches 4. Wisdom is the very pattern of creation itself 5. Jesus is creations redemption   Why are you a Christian?   Next Week Romans 5:12-21 – Matt Winter

Prayer Points – October 15

Our Church | Today we pray for the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team. This is our lay leadership team charged with oversight of the administration of our church alongside our pastoral staff: Jane Unsworth, Lauren Hull, Grace Morokai, Paul Wight, Mike Hern and Stephen Watson. Our Network | As we hear from Jack Hamer who serves with Evangelical Students at the…