Sermon Outline (Page 9)
Sermon Outline – June 4
The Reality We All Face Romans 3:1-20 | Simon Marshman 1. Two false conclusions (v1-8) 2. The one right conclusion (v9-20) 3. The fight for freedom Next Week Fear And Freedom – Exodus 1:1-22 – Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – May 28
The Problem With Our Efforts Romans 2:17-29 | Simon Marshman 1. The sign that was meant to be more than skin deep 2. The danger of Virtue Signalling 3. The only hope for real relationship Next Week The Reality We All Face – Romans 3:1-20 – Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – May 21
The Problem For Us All Romans 2:1-16 | Simon Marshman v1-5 A brief lesson in self-righteous pride v6-16 An important perspective on the future What does this look like today? Next Week The Problem With Our Attempts – Romans 2:17-29 – Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – May 14
The Problem Of Sin Romans 1:18-32 | Simon Marshman v18-23 The heart of the human problem: our failure to treat God as God v24-32 The problem of the human heart: “God gave them over…” Of many great books that we could recommend, here are three by Tim Keller: Reason For God: belief in an age of skepticism. This is an outstanding…
Sermon Outline – May 7
The Power Of The Gospel Romans 1:8-17 | Simon Marshman 1. Paul and the Christians in Rome 2. Three reasons why Paul is eager to preach the gospel For I am not ashamed of the gospel For it is the power of God that brings salvation to all who believe For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. The righteousness of God: God’s character: God is righteous…
Sermon Outline – April 30
The Gospel For Everyone Romans 1:1-7, 16:25-27 | Simon Marshman Paul’s life transformed: Acts 7:54-8:3, 22:1-21 Philippians 4:3-6 Galatians 1:13-24 1. What is the gospel? 2. What does it do? 3. What is it for? Next Week The Power Of The Gospel – Romans 1:8-17 – Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – April 16
Resurrection Discussion Panel 1 Corinthians 15:1-20, 50-58 | Simon Marshman 1. Christ indeed has been raised 2. Our faith is not futile 3. Your labour in the Lord is not in vain Next Week Mark Peterson from CMS will be visiting
Sermon Outline – April 2
He Came To Die Mark 8:22-9:1 | Matt Winter 1. Who is Jesus 2. What has he come to do? 3. Will you be his disciple? Download study notes for Mark’s gospel here Next Week Easter Services | Friday and Sunday 10am