Sermon Outline (Page 7)
Sermon Outline – October 22
The Story of Grace Romans 5:12-21 | MAtt Winter The Curtain Pulled Back 1. The Problem in Adam (5:12) 2. The Hope in Jesus (5:18-21) 3. Two Qualifications (5:13-17) Next Week Romans 6:1-14 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – October 15
Wisdom’s Worldview Proverbs 8:1-26 | Jack Hamer Why are you a Christian? The Scene Set 1. Wisdom is not hidden 2. Wisdom is truth that leads to flourishing 3. Wisdom is more valuable than riches 4. Wisdom is the very pattern of creation itself 5. Jesus is creations redemption Why are you a Christian? Next Week Romans 5:12-21 – Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – October 8
Faithful to the Message Acts 10:1-48 | Matt Lehmann Do we believe what we believe? To be faithful to the message we need to: (a) Know who needs to hear the message. (b) Be clear on delivering the message accurately. Pretty lame in comparison… Next Week Guest Preacher – Jack Hamer
Sermon Outline – October 1
The Love of Grace ROMANS 5:1-11 | MAtt Winter The Great Gospel Love of God Love in the Past: Jesus sacrifice for sinners Love in the Present: Peace with God Love in the Future: Hope that will not let you down Next Week Guest Preacher: Matt Lehmann
Sermon Outline – September 24
The Gift of Grace ROMANS 4 | MAtt Winter Brains and Bikes Paul’s gospel rewiring: 1. Righteousness is a gift (4:1-8) 2. Righteousness is open to all (4:9-17) 3. Faith is the key (4:18-25) So What? *Family Tree Diagram: *Link to book referenced, Confronting Christianity:…
Sermon Outline – September 17
The Unity of the Gospel ROMANS 3;21-31 | MAtt Winter Back in time, to a divided Church Paul’s Solution – the new way of the gospel The gospel is going to sort out this church’s: – Unity – Foundation – Hearts So what does the gospel say to our church? – Our unity – Our foundation – Our hearts Next Week Romans 4 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – August 27
Salvation Exodus 12:1-51 | Simon Marshman 1. Taking shelter under the promises of God 2. Remembering the event that defines out lives Next Week Exodus 13:17-14:31 | Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – August 20
There Is No One Like Him Exodus 7:14-10:29 | Simon Marshman 1. God’s good order and the horror of chaos. 2. God’s overwhelming power and the futility of alternative options. Next Week Exodus 11:1-13:16 | Simon Marshman