Sermon Outline (Page 5)
Sermon Outline – February 25th
Give to God what is God’s MARK 12:1-17 | simon Marshman Who are you? Tenants in breach of contract (v1-12) Made in the image of God (v13-17) Whose are you? Reflection for Lent: As we journey with Jesus to the cross, what difference does it make to know whose you are? Next Week Mark 12:18-44 | Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – February 18th
Entering Jerusalem MARK 11:1-33 | simon Marshman Day 1: (v1-11) The King Approaches, but will you recognise him? Old Testament Passages of note: Genesis 49:11, a promise of the Messiah to come in the line of Judah, and the only other place in the Bible that speaks of a tethered colt Zechariah 9:9, describing the Messiah entering Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey Zechariah…
Sermon Outline – February 11th
I Once Was Blind… MARK 10:46-52 | simon Marshman We all need good role models Meet Bartimaeus, a role model of discipleship: Bartimaeus, who humbly cries out for mercy, in contrast to the rich young man in 10:17-31 Bartimaeus, rebuked by the crowd just as the disciples rebuked those bringing children to Jesus in 10:13-16 Bartimaeus, the kind of person that…
Sermon Outline – February 4th
Cross-Shaped Glory MARK 10:32-45 | Paul merenda Jesus the Son of Man and Suffering Servant (v32-34) The world loves greatness and so do we (v35-42) True greatness can be yours (43-45) Next Week Mark 10:46-52 | Simon Marshman
Sermon Outline – January 28th
Cross-Shaped Community MARK 10:13-31 | simon Marshman The upside-down kingdom The back-to-front world Blessings in surprising places Next Week Mark 10:32-45 | Paul Merenda
Sermon Outline – January 21st
Cross-Shaped Discipleship in 2024 MARK 10:1-12 | Simon Marshman Jarring words for a sunny Sunday Context that helps frame the discussion Regarding Mark’s description of the attitude of the Pharisees towards Jesus, see Mark 3:1-6, 7:5-13, 8:11-15, 12:12-17. Regarding Deuteronomy 24:1-4 referenced in Mark 10:4 and the ongoing debate about divorce at the time, see…
Sermon Outline – January 14th
Finding Greatness in 2024 MARK 9:30-50 | Matt Winter What does a ‘great life’ look like? How – can I go about being great in the eyes of Jesus? 1. Look to Jesus 2. Serve, but not to get things back 3. Serve, but don’t make it about you Why – would I want to go about being great in the eyes of Jesus? 1. You’re doing it for Jesus 2. Eternity is a…
Sermon Outline – January 7th
Listening to Jesus in 2024 MARK 9:2-29 | Matt Winter Who do you listen to? 1. The Transfiguration: Why we should listen to Jesus. 2. The Healing: What listening to Jesus should look like. 3. Listening and looking to Jesus in 2024. Next Week Mark 9:30-50 | All-in Church | Matt Winter