Sermon Outline (Page 24)
Sermon Outline – October 18th
OVERCOMING THE WORLD JOHN 4:4-5, 2:13-15 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. The Battle 3. The Victory 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” growing in amazement at the cross growing appreciation of the beauty of holiness growing in disdain for sin growing in wonder that we are God’s children 5. Prescriptions of Grace Next Week People of God… Committed to the…
Sermon Outline – October 11th
DEVOTED TO CHRIST JOHN 4:1-3, 13-15 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Don’t be Fooled 3. Searching for Clues 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” A growing delight in knowing Christ more A growing awe at his Glory and Majesty A growing jealousy for his honour A growing awareness of our sin & his grace A growing desire to make him known 5. Prescriptions of…
Sermon Outline – October 4th
Courageous to take Opportunities Acts 26:1-32 | MATT WINTER 1. Paul and the King Bold Endurance Bold Storytelling Bold Challenge 2. On the lookout for opportunities 3. Cultivating boldness Next Week People of God… devoted to Christ 1 John 4:1-3, 13-15 | Cameron Munro
Sermon Outline – September 27th
Conscious of Spiritual Realities Acts 17:16-34 | MATT WINTER 1. The reality of our situation 2. The reality of our task 3. Spiritual realities in the real world Next Week Courageous to take Opportunities Acts 26:1-32 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – September 20th
Confident in God’s Sovereign Plan Acts 16:6-15 | MATT WINTER 1. That time where Paul felt like he wasn’t getting anywhere a. Significant Hurdles (16:6-8) b. Significant Instruction (16:9-10) c. Significant Results (16:11-15) 2. Five truths to give us confidence 1 | We’re in this together 2 | The Spirit has put us here 3 | There is openness and hunger 4 | Big…
Sermon Outline – September 13th
Convinced by the Truth of the Message Acts 3:1-16, 4:1-20 | MATT WINTER 1. Peter, John & the Pain Barrier 2. Thinking about Believing 3. The Authenticated Message Next Week Confident in God’s Sovereign Plan Acts 16:6-15 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – September 6th
Keeping the Faith Luke 17:1-10 | Cameron Munro 1. Introduction 2. Amazing Grace 3. A Hard Road 4. Ordinarily Extraordinary 5. Grace Overflows Next Week Convinced by the Truth of the Message Acts 3:1-16, 4:1-20 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – August 30th
Who Wants to be Blessed? Luke 16:19-31 | Cameron Munro 1. Introduction 2. Check Your Bearings 3. Let Me Tell You a Story 4. You Have Been Warned 5. God Help Us Next Week Ordinarily Radical / Radically Ordinary Luke 17:1-10 | Cameron Munro