Sermon Outline (Page 23)

Sermon Outline (Page 23)

Sermon Outline – January 3rd

Soul Food: Prayer Luke 11:1-13 | MATT WINTEr 1. Introduction 2. Define 3. Defend 4. How does God use prayer? a. Big Prayers (11:1-4) b. Bold Prayers (11:5-13) 5. Practical Suggestions Link to Peter Adam’s Prayers A Praying Life by Paul Miller Next Week  Soul Food: God’s Word

Sermon Outline – November 8th

CONFIDENT FOR THE FUTURE 1 JOHN 4:15-21 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Foundations for Confidence 3. Foundations of Confidence 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing joy that you are a child of God by grace a growing heart’s rest in God’s grace a growing honesty about sin & failures a growing peace amid life’s turmoil a growing…

Sermon Outline – November 1st

OVERFLOWING WITH LOVE JOHN 4:7-12 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Love Commanded 3. Love Examined 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing wonder at God’s love growing concern for the good of others a growing willingness to sacrifice for others a growing sense of unity and belonging with people who are different to you 5. Prescriptions of Grace Next Week…

Sermon Outline – October 25th

COMMITTED TO TRUTH JOHN 4:5-6, 1:1-4 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Competing Voices 3. Certified Witnesses 4. Careful Listening 5. Undergoing a “Spiritual” growing confidence in the Bible as God’s word growing respect for the Bible’s authority growing delight in his Word growing commitment to know God better through his Word 6. Prescriptions…