Sermon Outline (Page 23)
Sermon Outline – January 3rd
Soul Food: Prayer Luke 11:1-13 | MATT WINTEr 1. Introduction 2. Define 3. Defend 4. How does God use prayer? a. Big Prayers (11:1-4) b. Bold Prayers (11:5-13) 5. Practical Suggestions Link to Peter Adam’s Prayers A Praying Life by Paul Miller Next Week Soul Food: God’s Word
Sermon Outline – December 20th
Joy in a Dark World MATTHEW 2:13-23 | MATT WINTEr “The Christmas Slaughter” 1. Two Rulers 2. Two Sons 3. Two Choices Next Week (Dec 27) Special Thanksgiving Service
Sermon Outline – December 13th
Joy in the King Cameron MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Universal 3. Unfulfilled 4. Unwanted 5. Unrivaled Next Week Joy in the Dark Matthew 2:13-23 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – December 6th
Joy in the Mess Matthew 1:18-24 | MATT WINTER 1. A Season of Joy? 2. A Season of Mess? 3. Immanuel God With Us 4. Finding Joy this Christmas Next Week Joy in the King Matthew 2:1-12 | Cameron Munro
Sermon Outline – November 15th
Psalm 13 Geoff Lin 1. Introduction 2. What Psalm 13 says about God? 3. How Psalm 13 points us to Jesus 4. What Psalm 13 asks of us, today? Next Week Psalm 14 | Geoff Lin
Sermon Outline – November 8th
CONFIDENT FOR THE FUTURE 1 JOHN 4:15-21 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Foundations for Confidence 3. Foundations of Confidence 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing joy that you are a child of God by grace a growing heart’s rest in God’s grace a growing honesty about sin & failures a growing peace amid life’s turmoil a growing…
Sermon Outline – November 1st
OVERFLOWING WITH LOVE JOHN 4:7-12 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Love Commanded 3. Love Examined 4. Undergoing a “Spiritual” a growing wonder at God’s love growing concern for the good of others a growing willingness to sacrifice for others a growing sense of unity and belonging with people who are different to you 5. Prescriptions of Grace Next Week…
Sermon Outline – October 25th
COMMITTED TO TRUTH JOHN 4:5-6, 1:1-4 | CAMERON MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Competing Voices 3. Certified Witnesses 4. Careful Listening 5. Undergoing a “Spiritual” growing confidence in the Bible as God’s word growing respect for the Bible’s authority growing delight in his Word growing commitment to know God better through his Word 6. Prescriptions…