Sermon Outline (Page 19)
Sermon Outline – September 12th
Life from Chaos: The God Who Sees Genesis 16 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Sarah: God’s ends, but our means? 3. Abraham: Faltering trust 4. Hagar: Mistreatment used for good? 5. God: The one who sees Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Delivers Matt Winter Genesis 18:1-15
Sermon Outline – September 5th
Life from Chaos: The God Who Commits Genesis 15 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Getting our bearings 3. Abraham’s Doubts (15:1-8) 4. God’s Commitment (15:9-21) 5. Coming before the God of Grace Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Sees Matt Winter Genesis 16
Sermon Outline – August 29th
Faith in Famine & Fortune Colin taylor How do you decide what to do? 1. Famine 2. Fortune 3. Faith Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Commits Matthew Winter Genesis 15
Sermon Outline – August 22th
DEVOTION | Wise Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1. Understanding the Heart 2. Sources of Life Wisdom from below Wisdom from above 3. The Wisdom & Power of God Next Week: Life from Chaos – Faith in Famine & Fortune Colin Taylor Genesis 12.10-13.18
Sermon Outline – August 15th
Devotion | Careful Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1. Danger 2. Destruction 3. Diagnosis 4. Discipline Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James – Wise Cameron Munro James 3:13-18
Sermon Outline – August 8th
Devotion | Proved Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1. Reality Check 2. Objection 3. Answering Objections 4. Keeping it Real Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James – Vigilant Cameron Munro James 3:1-12
Sermon Outline – July 18th
Devotion | Steadfast Cameron MUNRO Introduction 1. One Fact 2. Two Options 3. Three Responses Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James – Blessed Cameron Munro James 1.16-27
Sermon Outline – July 11th
LIFE FROM CHAOS: THE BOOK OF GENESIS Genesis 11:27-12:9 | The BLESSED LIFE MARK CURRAN What does it mean to be blessed? 1. An unlikely man (11:27-32) 2. An unlikely promise (12:1-3) 3. An unlikely faith (12:4-9) 4. An unlikely fulfilment Next Week: Devotion – The Book of James Cameron Munro James 1.1-8, 12-15