Sermon Outline (Page 15)
Sermon Outline – May 22nd
United In Christ | Ephesians 2:11-22 Simon MARSHMAN This week’s sermon outline looks a little different, because we’re just working with the Bible passage, formatted to highlight some significant features. Printed copies of this will be provided at church for note taking etc. Ephesians 2:11-22 (NIV) A 11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles…
Sermon Outline – May 15th
Loved By God In Christ | Ephesians 2:1-10 Simon MARSHMAN The way we see ourselves… As for you… (v1-3) The Coroner’s Finding: The __________ plus the __________ plus the __________ = ______________ But God… (v4-7) _____________ plus _____________ = Grace So Now… (v8-10) …
Sermon Outline – May 8th
Knowing God in Christ | Ephesians 1:15-23 Simon MARSHMAN First, some context (v15-16) A simple prayer: That you would know God better (v17) By seeing… God’s hope for us in Christ (v18a) God’s love for us in Christ (v18b) God’s power for us in Christ (v19-23)…
Sermon Outline – May 1st
What’s our new pastor’s main job? | Ephesians 1:1-14 PAUL HARRINGTON A New Pastor – a time to celebrate But what is Simon’s main job? 1. To remind us of how we have been blessed Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Notice… WHERE we…
Sermon Outline – April 24th
What Happened Among Us | Luke 1:1-4 Matt Winter Our Journey in Luke The Need for Luke Luke’s Goal Luke’s Method Luke’s Content Next Week Ephesians 1:1-14 | Paul Harrington (Simon’s Commissioning)
Sermon Outline – April 17th
Resurrection Sunday Matt Winter 1. Why would I want it to be true? 2. Is there any evidence that it’s true? 3. Will I run to Jesus? Next Week Luke 1:1-4 | Matt Winter
Sermon Outline – April 10th
The Night of Trials (Part 3) Matt Winter 1. The created take down the creator 2. The innocent are punished 3. The guilty one goes free Next Week Resurrection Sunday | Luke 24:1-12
Sermon Outline – April 3rd
The Night of Trials (Part 2) Matt Winter 1. Peter’s Test 2. The Disciples’ Test 3. Jesus’ Test Next Week The King Among Us | The Night of Trials (Part 3) | Luke 22:63-23:56 | Matt Winter