Prayer Points (Page 9)

Prayer Points (Page 9)

Prayer Points – August 27

Our Church | Today we’re praying for Trinity Kids. Let’s pray that as the Israelites passed on the meaning of the passover to their children, that Trinity Kids would be a great ministry where we as a church are passing on the truth of the gospel to the next generation. Let’s bring our leaders and kids to God in prayer and also pray for more leaders as…

Prayer Points – August 20

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our membership area; praying that we’d be a church that cares for, prays for, and encourages one another well. Let’s give thanks particularly for those who serve in areas like hosting, coffee and morning tea each Sunday, as well as those who serve on our Pastoral Care team and who help provide meals for those in need.…

Prayer Points – August 6

Our Church | Today we’re praying that we’d be a church that is ministering to and serving one another. We can give thanks to those who serve us in so many ways each Sunday and give thanks for those who are trying new things over coming months in response to our recent serving survey. Our Partner | We’re praying this morning for K, who’s serving in…

Prayer Points – July 30

Our Church | Today we’re praying that we’d be a church that is faithfully playing our part in Jesus’ mission. We can that we would keep faithfully and clearly holding out the message of the gospel and presenting it in straightforward and helpful ways through the various events we run. Our Network | Today we’re praying for Trinity Church Woodcroft.…

Prayer Points – July 16

Our Church | Today we’re praying for us to be a church that would magnify the Lord in our lives and on Sundays. Let’s give thanks for our musicians and vocalists who serve us so well in helping us lift our voices to God. We can thank God too for the many great songs that we sing at church and for those who’ve written them. Our Network | Today we’re…

Prayer Points – July 9

Our Church | Today we’re praying that we would be a church that would continue growing in maturity in Christ. We can pray that we would more and more be “tasting and seeing” that the Lord is good, and that we would fear him and take refuge in him (Psalm 34). Our Network | Today we’re praying for Bush Church Aid. We can pray for the SA/NT Committee…

Prayer Points – June 25

Our Church | Today we’re praying for Trinity Kids. Let’s lift up our Creche, Minis and Mixers groups to God and pray for our kids and leaders. Our Partner | Today we’re praying for AFES Student Ministry at Flinders Uni and especially for Lauren. We can give thanks for a great semester, and pray for students like Tani, Sia and Lena who have been…

Prayer Points – June 18

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our Membership area. This is a great chance to pray that we’d be a church that loves and cares for one another well, and especially welcomes new people into our church helpfully. Let’s pray in particular for the ‘Belong’ events today and on Thursday that they’d be helpful times to that end. Our…