Prayer Points (Page 13)
Prayer Points – November 27
Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we would go on being a church growing to be mature disciples of Jesus. We can pray that Jesus would lead us through his word to live for him and avoid temptation (today’s sermon topic). Our Gospel Network | This morning we’re praying for the Church Missionary Society (CMS). We can pray for a great Summer…
Prayer Points – November 20
Our Church | We’re praying for our membership area this morning. That means asking thanking God for our community and asking his help as we seek to care for one another well. We can pray for those who are struggling at the moment and can pray too that those who are newer among us might quickly feel like they are loved and that they belong. Our Gospel Network | This…
Prayer Points – November 6
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our staff and leadership team. We can give thanks for recent holidays for staff and good times of refreshment. And we can also give thanks for the faithfulness of our leadership team and how they’ve helped us navigate the changes of the past 12 months. We can pray particularly for wisdom as staff and leadership put…
Prayer Points – October 30th
Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we’d be a church that participates and is fruitful in Jesus’ mission to make and grow disciples. Pray that we’d be people who’d look for and take opportunities to share our hope with others. We’re praying particularly for our upcoming Christmas mission that this would create many…
Prayer Points – October 23rd
Our Church | We’re praying this morning that as a church we’d be growing more and more deeply in love for Jesus. Seeing more of his glory and growing in amazement that we have the creator of the universe as our father. Our Gospel Network | This morning we’re praying for Trinity Church Unley. We can join them and give thanks for visitors and newcomers…
Prayer Points – October 16th
Our Church | Ask God to grow us in such passion for others to know Jesus that we would be overflowing in Gospel Generosity – giving of our time, our energy and our finances to enable others to know him. Our Gospel Network | We partner with Bush Church Aid to take the good news to rural and regional Australia. Our World | Pray for our political leaders that they…
Prayer Points – October 9th
Our Church | This week we’re praying for our youth ministry. We long to see the teens of our church growing in their knowledge and love of Jesus as they come to a deeper understanding of what it means to live as his disciple. Praise God for our great team of leaders. Our Gospel Network | We have the great privilege of being a part of God’s work in South East…
Prayer Points – October 2nd
Our Church | This morning we’re praying that as God’s people we’d grow in maturity. That as we hear and understand his word we’d grow more like Jesus. Our Gospel Network | Let’s pray for Trinity Church Tonsley. They’ve had a great first six months with lots of joys. It’d be great to thank God for all those who have pitched in, and…