Prayer Points (Page 10)
Prayer Points – June 11
Our Church | We’re praying today for our staff and leadership team. We can thank God for our pastors, Simon and Matt and pray especially for a good rest for Simon who’s on leave this week. We can pray for our leadership team as they spend time doing big picture planning looking forward to the next few years of ministry. Our Partner | Today we’re praying…
Prayer Points – June 4
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our church as we minister to each other. We can give thanks for the opportunity to serve each other in so many ways. We can thank God particularly who serve on the coffee cart, bring morning tea, or come in early to help with setup. We can pray that all of us would find ways to use our gifts to serve the body of Christ.…
Prayer Points – May 28
Our Church | This week we’re praying that we would be a church that uses generously the gifts we’ve been given for the gospel. We can give thanks that our financial budget is being met so far this year, and can also give thanks for those who give their time to serve each Sunday in so many areas. Our Partners | We’re praying for Bible College SA today. We…
Prayer Points – May 21
Our Church | This week we’re praying that we would be a church on mission. We can pray especially for our mission team and the work they’re doing in helping us to think about how to share the gospel more effectively with our community. Our Network | We’re praying for Trinity Church Tonsley this morning. We can pray for their upcoming belong course, and…
Prayer Points – May 14
Our Church | This week we’re praying that we would be a church that magnifies the name of Jesus on Sundays and through the week. We can thank God for those who plan our services and help us lift our hearts to him in song. Our Network | We’re praying for Bush Church Aid this week, in particular Glen Mcdonald and his family who work in Roxby Downs. We can thank…
Prayer Points – May 7th
Our Church | This week we’re bringing our youth before God. We can pray for a great start to youth group for the term this Friday, praying for our leaders and for our youth – that they would all grow to be more like Christ. Our Network | We’re praying for Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens this week. We can pray that their upcoming ‘Belong’…
Prayer Points – April 16th
Our Church | Let’s pray Summit Camp in Normanville. Around 60 teens from the 5 churches in the southern region of the Trinity Network are away this weekend to learn more of God’s grace in Jesus. Pray for Matt Winter as he gives the talks and Joel Keen and Grace Morokai as they lead Bible studies. More than anything, let’s ask God to do a mighty work…
Prayer Points – April 2nd
Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our Ministry area and praying that we’d be a church that would love to serve one another. We can thank God today for those who serve in setup and packup, and pray that God would bless those who serve in this way. Pray for wisdom as we keep thinking about how to best set things up for the sake of all of us and to make…