Pastors Letter (Page 9)

Pastors Letter (Page 9)

Pastor’s Letter – June 25th

Hello Church, What does it mean to belong to Trinity Church Brighton? That’s the question a whole bunch of our newest members have been thinking about over a meal this week, along with a few of our longer-term members who catered and welcomed our newcomers. We had lunch after church on Sunday attended by a little over 30, and dinner on Thursday with a few more than 20.…

Pastor’s Letter – June 11th

Hi All, I hope this letter finds you well as we head into a long weekend. If you’re heading away, stay safe and do enjoy some good rest in God’s beautiful world. Don’t forget, you can fire up Spotify and catchup on Sunday’s sermon next week (maybe on the drive home on Monday??). We’re beginning a new book of the Bible at church this Sunday,…

Pastor’s Letter – May 28

Hi All, Hope you’ve had a great week so far. In this week’s email I have a couple of quick reminders, then I’d love to share about something exciting we’re starting at church over the next couple of weeks. TWO REMINDERS This Sunday we’re putting aside some time for Q+A. If you have questions coming out of the last few weeks we’ve spent…

Pastor’s Letter – May 21

G’day Church, Last week we sat with the weighty words of Romans 1:18-32. There is no doubt that it’s a pretty confronting passage. But over the years I have found  verses 18 to 21 a great summary of how God describes the problem at the heart of our relationship with him. It’s a great summary for us to get our heads around, and a great passage to have in mind as a go-to…

Pastor’s Letter – May 14

G’day Church, Last week we saw the wonderful cascade of the gospel: Paul was eager to share the gospel, because he was not ashamed of the gospel, because the gospel is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, because in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. It’s a cascade of amazing kindness that flows out of God himself: God is an overflowing…

Pastor’s Letter – May 7

G’day church, Reading Romans 1:1-7 together last Sunday kicked us off in this great book with some really big ideas to ponder. We’ll be unpacking these over the months ahead, taking our time so we can take it all in, expecting God to change us as he takes us deeper into the gospel and its implications for us. And as we do, two things that can be a great help to us are the…

Pastor’s Letter – April 16

Hi All, I hope your week this week has gone well, and you were able to enjoy some rest on the public holiday on Monday? What a great Easter we had at church this year – thanks to all who served us in so many ways. This coming weekend is an exciting one for our church too – particularly for our youth who are going away on Summit Camp. Summit Camp is put on by…

Pastor’s Letter – April 9

Hi All, At times the hustle and bustle of life feels like a constant effort to “make like a duck” (keep a steady appearance above the water while frantically paddling underneath). I reckon that’s why Aussie’s love Easter – because it’s a precious four day weekend! But Easter is really a wonderful time of pausing and resting in who Jesus is and how…