Pastors Letter (Page 6)
Pastor’s Letter – March 10
G’day Church, Adelaide Men’s Convention (May 11) and Grace Conference (May 25) are both highlights in our calendar that I want to flag for you well ahead of time. May might feel like a long way off, but tickets are selling fast and I’d love you to have the opportunity to attend. Both AMC and Grace will be tremendously encouraging time with Christians from…
Pastor’s Letter – March 3
G’day Church, Thanks for your prayers for Taste and See. We had our second session last night and it was great to hear the buzz of conversation as people engaged in discussion around the topics raised and to have some great questions put forward in Q&A at the end of the evening. We read the story of the Prodigal Son together from Luke 15 and reflected on what it…
Pastor’s Letter – February 18th
G’day Church, At the bottom of this letter we’ve listed some upcoming events for your diary and your prayers. But this week I thought I’d share some of my favourite Christian biographies with you. On Sunday we saw how Mark put blind Bartimaeus in front of us as a great role model of faith and discipleship. There is so much for us to learn from the example of Bartimaeus,…
Pastor’s Letter – February 11th
Hi All, This Friday night our youth group kicks off for another year. I’m looking forward to a great night, we’ll play some games, grab some ice creams and look forward to a great year ahead. We always have a lot of fun together! We’ll be starting Bible studies the following week and studying Mark 7 and 8 this term. It’s a significant year of…
Pastor’s Letter – February 4th
G’day Church, A few updates on our life together: 1. Paul Merenda 2. Beach Picnic 3. Taste and See 4. Mark Bible Studies 1. Last Sunday we welcomed Paul and Brianna Merenda as they join us for Paul to commence a Student Minister role with us as we invest in raising up the next generation of church leaders. Paul will be preaching from Mark 10 this Sunday, which I’m really…
Pastor’s Letter – January 28th
G’day Church, The new year is well underway! People are returning from holidays, workplaces that slowed down or even shut down over summer are generally back up and running, a number of the kids in our church family are starting school this coming week, or making the move to high school. And as we set the rhythms and routines of a new year it’s quite intentional that we’d…
Pastor’s Letter – January 21st
Cruciform /ˈkruːsɪfɔːm/ Adjective: 1. having the shape of a cross. “a cruciform sword” Noun: 1. a thing shaped like a cross As we make our way through the second half of Mark we’re learning a lot about how the cross shapes our discipleship. We’re learning what that looks like in our attitudes and our behaviour, as individuals and as a community. It’s rich and…
Pastor’s Letter – January 14th
Hi All, I wonder if you’ve seen this year’s ‘lamb ad’ on TV this week? (For those who don’t know, Australian lamb does a TV ad each year in the leadup to Australia Day, and they’re known for the fun they poke at society and have at times been a little controversial). This year’s ad features the different generations of Australia,…