Pastors Letter (Page 5)

Pastors Letter (Page 5)

Pastor’s Letter – May 5

Hi All, As the Marshman family takes a well-earned couple of weeks off, I’m looking forward to the next three weeks at church where we’ll be welcoming some guests and thinking about how the gospel is spreading beyond ourselves. This week Mike Waskiel from the Evangelical Students ministry at Flinders Uni is coming to preach for us from Colossians 1 –…

Pastor’s Letter – April 28

Hello church, I’m writing this email from Melbourne airport as Matt and I wait to board our flight home after an excellent conference on the book of Leviticus, which we’ll get into at church next year. We’re very thankful to have had the time to step out of the usual weekly routine to think deeply, to be stretched by great teaching, and encouraged in fellowship with other…

Pastor’s Letter – April 21

Hello church, What does it mean to be a man? Is there such a thing as healthy masculinity? How does a Christian man navigate such questions in the current cultural climate? These are the really important questions that will be considered at this year’s Adelaide Men’s Convention on Saturday May 11. We’re fortunate to have an outstanding speaker in Al Stewart who has done a…

Pastor’s Letter – March 31

G’day Church, I thought it’d be helpful to outline how we’ll be spending our time this Easter as we invite people to Meet Jesus. On both Friday and Sunday we’ll be especially mindful of your guests, offering a really warm welcome and a relaxed experience of church: On Good Friday the kids will head out after the first couple of songs, with creche running as usual, but…

Pastor’s Letter – March 17

G’day Church, This Sunday we look on as Jesus is anointed with perfume in an act of worship that he described as preparation for his burial. We sit with his disciples as Jesus shares the Passover meal and declares that the bread and wine are his body and blood – broken for us and poured out for our forgiveness. We marvel that though his closest friends fell asleep and…

Pastor’s Letter – March 10

G’day Church, Adelaide Men’s Convention (May 11) and Grace Conference (May 25) are both highlights in our calendar that I want to flag for you well ahead of time. May might feel like a long way off, but tickets are selling fast and I’d love you to have the opportunity to attend. Both AMC and Grace will be tremendously encouraging time with Christians from…

Pastor’s Letter – March 3

G’day Church, Thanks for your prayers for Taste and See. We had our second session last night and it was great to hear the buzz of conversation as people engaged in discussion around the topics raised and to have some great questions put forward in Q&A at the end of the evening. We read the story of the Prodigal Son together from Luke 15 and reflected on what it…

Pastor’s Letter – February 18th

G’day Church, At the bottom of this letter we’ve listed some upcoming events for your diary and your prayers. But this week I thought I’d share some of my favourite Christian biographies with you. On Sunday we saw how Mark put blind Bartimaeus in front of us as a great role model of faith and discipleship. There is so much for us to learn from the example of Bartimaeus,…