Pastors Letter (Page 24)

Pastors Letter (Page 24)

Pastor’s Letter – October 4th

Dear friends Over the last few weeks I have been sharing some insights from John Flavel’s little book, Keeping the Heart, which is an extended reflection on Proverbs 4.23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  Last week I shared six particular actions Flavel recommended as helpful in guarding the heart. The initial element of…

Pastor’s Letter – September 27th

Dear friends Last week I began to share with you some thoughts from John Flavel’s little book, “Keeping the Heart:  How to maintain your love for God”. The book itself is a reflection on Proverbs 4.23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Initially Flavel makes the point that only a heart that has been regenerated by God’s Holy…

Pastor’s Letter – September 20th

Dear friends With Matt preaching his series through Acts, over the last few weeks I have been able to spend a bit more time reading.  One book I have returned to is a book by a man by the name of John Flavel called “Keeping the Heart”.  Its subtitle is “How to maintain your love for God”. Now John Flavel is probably not familiar to many, if any, of you.  He was an English…

Pastor’s Letter – September 13th

Dear friends I thought I’d take the opportunity this week to give you a quick update on our kids and youth ministries. In a crazy year both of these areas have been hit with some pretty big challenges. Those of you who watched our online services will remember our “Kids Zone” segments which we know were a big hit with our families and a lot of fun for…

Pastor’s Letter – September 6th

Dear friends This week I was speaking with a pastor-friend and he mentioned someone he knew who was dying of cancer.  I was encouraged as he spoke of how her hope in God for the resurrection transformed the manner in which she approached death.  While obviously there is great grief and pain she endures these things knowing that the best is yet to come.  Christ’s…

Pastor’s Letter – August 23rd

Dear friends As you are probably aware, our Annual General Meeting is coming up on 30 August, starting at approximately 1130am, so I thought I should give you some information about our leadership and how it all works. THE LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE (in brief) The ministry of Trinity Church Brighton is overseen by the Church Leadership Team [C.L.T.], a group appointed from…

Pastor’s Letter – August 16th

Dear friends I am saddened to write to you and let you know that for the near future we will not be singing together as a congregation on Sundays. Why?  Simply, the SA Department of Health has issued a fact sheet for churches that instructs us to “Avoid singing together as a congregation.”  (I have attached the fact sheet to this letter.)  This may change, but until it…

Pastor’s Letter – August 9th

Dear friends Recently, as you probably know, I have been doing a bit of thinking about the “Lost” parable in Luke 15. It has made me reflect on the question of identity. I thought I would share some of my thoughts. In the last story of the parable, we see a rift between the “righteous” elder son and the “sinful” younger son. This reflects the actual rift between the…