Pastors Letter (Page 12)
Pastor’s Letter – December 4
G’day church, A question for you to ponder: What do you think is the likelihood that your friend or neighbour would come to church if you invited them? Not a chance; maybe a 50/50 possibility; highly likely?? One of the most optimistic people I know answered this question with “about 30%.” What would you say? (actually pause for a moment and pick a number before…
Pastor’s Letter – November 27
Hello church, I’d love to know what God’s been teaching you through our current sermon series on prayer. Perhaps there are questions that have been raised or encouragements along the way. Please take a moment to send and email and let me know – it’d be great to see how God has been growing us through this time. But wouldn’t it be an epic fail if we spend all of this time…
Pastor’s Letter – November 20
Hello church, A closed system is an important concept in many fields such as chemistry and physics and even cyber security. It’s the basic idea of system or a region that doesn’t allow anything in or out. So, imagine one of those really neat terrariums – like an aquarium without the water – with it’s own micro-ecosystem totally isolated from outside in which plants and…
Pastor’s Letter – November 13
Hello church, Last Sunday Matt gave us a really helpful way of thinking through what it means to pray ‘your kingdom come’. It means we’re praying for God’s rule to be expressed in the present in our own lives and in the lives of those around us, and in the future on that great day when Jesus returns. It was a great reminder of two things: First and foremost it was a great…
Pastor’s Letter – November 6
Dear Friends, Over the past two Sundays at church we’ve begun stepping through the Lord’s Prayer. It’s been great to explore what it teaches us about prayer, but also about what Jesus wants us to value most. As we thought about the line ‘hallowed be your name’ on Sunday we spoke about how God’s great desire is to display his glory and…
Pastor’s Letter – October 30th
G’day church, “Never more hostile, never more open.” That was the tagline for a great seminar I attended last week that reflected on Australia’s attitude toward spiritual matters. I wonder how it resonates with you? Do you feel like your colleagues, neighbours and family are more hostile or more open when it comes to talking about your faith in Jesus? As a quick…
Pastor’s Letter – October 9th
G’day church, Please put lunch after church on Sunday October 16 in your diary! John Warner from Bush Church Aid will be preaching from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 which describes Christians as the ‘aroma of Christ’. John and I thought a perfect sermon illustration would be to have the wonderful aroma of curry wafting through the building during church! But more than just…
Pastor’s Letter – October 2nd
Dear Friends, I hope you’ve had a great week so far. I know many will be looking forward to the long weekend and school holidays and getting some rest time in. Our family’s getting the camper trailer packed and we’re looking forward to heading down to Robe for some annual leave over the next couple of weeks. Hoping for lots of time doing nothing,…