Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 26)
Sermon Outline – June 12th
Walking In Christ | Ephesians 4:17-5:2 Simon MARSHMAN Expect to be different… (The Ephesians did! see Acts 19:23-41) Expect to be different to your neighbours (4:17-19) Expect to be different to your old self (4:20-32) Expect to be more like your Heavenly Father (5:1-2) Book…
Prayer Points – June 12th
Our Church | Ask God to keep growing us in maturity in Christ as we sit under his word. This happens in our Sunday gatherings, our kids and youth ministries, our Growth Groups, and in many informal conversations. Pray that we would delight in God’s word and submit ourselves to it, that by his Spirit God might make us more like Jesus. Our Gospel Network | We pray for…
Pastor’s Letter – June 12th
Hello, As I write this I’ve just finished watching the evening news, which included a number of items about the rising cost of living. Interest rates, gas prices, petrol prices, food prices… it seems the impact is unavoidable. So, last Sunday might have seemed an odd time to give a church finance update with an encouragement for people to increase their giving to…
Pastor’s Letter – June 5th
G’day, I recently read a great book, and I’ve been struck by how well it connects with this Sunday’s passage in Ephesians 4. Being the Bad Guys by Stephen McAlpine begins with the observation that “Only a few generations ago, Christianity was the good guy, the solution to what was bad… [but now] the tide has shifted… Christianity is viewed as the bad guy. Christianity is…
Prayer Points – June 5th
Our Church | We ask God to help us be a church that welcomes people from all kinds of backgrounds, especially newcomers and visitors. May we offer the welcome that Christ has offered us, showing genuine love and concern for others. And let’s pray with thankfulness for the people who serve in this particular ministry area. Our Gospel Network | We pray for Trinity…
Sermon Outline – May 29th
God’s Wisdom In Christ | Ephesians 3:1-20 Simon MARSHMAN Meet Saul known as Paul Paul’s Motivation The mystery made known God’s wisdom revealed in Christ Paul’s Passion Rooted and established in love Growing in love Our Passion Our Practise Speaking Praying Giving Book recommendation: “Give Me This…
Pastor’s Letter – May 29th
Dear Friends, Tomorrow at Grace Conference the speaker Jenny Salt will be preaching from the book of Hosea with the women present. Hosea stands out in the Bible as possibly the most graphic portrayal of God’s amazing love and grace and faithfulness towards sinners like you and me. It’s the kind of story that should be on our TV or cinema screens as a gritty character…
Prayer Points – May 29th
Our Church | We pray for our Kid’s Ministry this week. Thank God for the privilege of teaching the gospel to children and pray that we would feel the weight of that responsibility. Thank him for our wonderfully servant-hearted leaders and pray for the team leaders as they think through opportunities for growth in this ministry. Our Gospel Network | We pray for The…