Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 24)

Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 24)

Prayer Points – August 14th

Our Church | Let’s pray for the youth in our church – that they would grow in knowledge and love of Jesus through their teenage years. Ask God to give our youth the courage to share the hope they have in Jesus with their friends, even when this is a scary thing to do. Our Gospel Partners | This week we pray for the Trinity churches in the hills an Fleurieu…

Pastor’s Letter – July 31st

Hello church, I’ve got three things to let you know about this week: 1 – Let’s have lunch together! Please plan to stick around after church on Sunday August 14 for a relaxed church family lunch. Details to follow, but we’ll make sure it’s low cost and kid friendly (complete with a kids’ DVD). To assist us in our planning, please email to let us…

Pastor’s Letter – July 24th

Hello church, We’ve just finished a wonderful journey through the book of Ephesians and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. God has shown us his very big plans and the remarkable privilege it is for us to be included in those plans. I was struck again and again how many times we’re told that this is all in Christ. It’s all centred on Jesus and who he is.…

Sermon Outline – July 24th

Where are we up to with God’s global mission? Mark Peterson Where are we up to in the Bible’s picture?       Where are we up to in world history?     Where are we up to as a church?       Next Week Genesis 25:19-28; 27:1-33 | The Wrestler’s Blessing | Matt Winter

Prayer Points – July 24th

This week’s prayer points have a focus on Mission, as CMS Regional Director Mark Peterson helps us see our place in God’s picture for Global Mission Our Church | Pray for our evangelistic outreach, and in particular our kids ministry where we want children to hear the gospel and put their faith in Jesus – both church family kids and their friends that…

Prayer Points – July 17th

Giving Thanks | Today we give thanks for God’s many blessings on us. It’s a good discipline for us to focus on our thanksgiving before we jump to asking God for things. Our Church | Pray for our church in light of Ephesians 1:17-23 and 3:14-19. Our World | Let’s consider how God’s grand plans in Ephesians 1:3-10 shape our prayers for our world.…

Pastor’s Letter – July 17th

G’day, Mid-year holidays are a good chance to check in on where we’re headed as a church for the second half of the year. This Sunday we’re doing things a little different at church as we wrap up our time in the book of Ephesians. Instead of a sermon on a particular passage, we’ll be reading excerpts from across the book and spending more time singing and praying, with a…