Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 22)

Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 22)

Prayer Points – June 26th

Our Church | This week we’re asking God to grow us in Gospel Generosity: responding to God’s great generosity to us with a longing to be more generous to others – with our energy, time and money. Our Gospel Network | We pray for Evangelical Students in general and Lauren Hull in particular. ES have their annual Mid Year Conference coming up in the…

Sermon Outline – June 19th

Wise In Christ | Ephesians 5:1-20 Simon MARSHMAN You’d be a fool to stand out(?!)     The only wise way to live (v1-2)       Three big ‘no’s for wise people (v3-7)       Wise confession (v8-14)       Wise waiting (v15-20)           Book recommendations: Teen Sex By The Book…

Prayer Points – June 19th

Our Church | This week we’re praying for our youth ministry. Thank God for the teenagers who call Brighton their home church and ask God to give us loads of love and wisdom as we encourage them in faith in Jesus. Pray that we’d be bold in seeking to share the gospel with the thousands of youth in our area who don’t know Jesus. Our Gospel Network | We…

Sermon Outline – June 5th

Growing In Christ | Ephesians 4:1-16 Simon MARSHMAN Seasickness is bad, but shipwreck is much worse…     Live a life worthy of the calling you have received (4:1-6)       We can’t do this on our own (4:7-13)       We all have a part to play (4:14-16)       Next Week Ephesians 4:17-:5:2 | Walking In Christ…

Sermon Outline – June 12th

Walking In Christ | Ephesians 4:17-5:2 Simon MARSHMAN Expect to be different… (The Ephesians did! see Acts 19:23-41)     Expect to be different to your neighbours (4:17-19)       Expect to be different to your old self (4:20-32)       Expect to be more like your Heavenly Father (5:1-2)       Book…

Prayer Points – June 12th

Our Church | Ask God to keep growing us in maturity in Christ as we sit under his word. This happens in our Sunday gatherings, our kids and youth ministries, our Growth Groups, and in many informal conversations. Pray that we would delight in God’s word and submit ourselves to it, that by his Spirit God might make us more like Jesus. Our Gospel Network | We pray for…

Pastor’s Letter – June 12th

Hello, As I write this I’ve just finished watching the evening news, which included a number of items about the rising cost of living. Interest rates, gas prices, petrol prices, food prices… it seems the impact is unavoidable. So, last Sunday might have seemed an odd time to give a church finance update with an encouragement for people to increase their giving to…

Pastor’s Letter – June 5th

G’day, I recently read a great book, and I’ve been struck by how well it connects with this Sunday’s passage in Ephesians 4. Being the Bad Guys by Stephen McAlpine begins with the observation that “Only a few generations ago, Christianity was the good guy, the solution to what was bad… [but now] the tide has shifted… Christianity is viewed as the bad guy. Christianity is…