Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 12)

Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 12)

Sermon Outline – October 15

Wisdom’s Worldview Proverbs 8:1-26 | Jack Hamer Why are you a Christian? The Scene Set 1. Wisdom is not hidden 2. Wisdom is truth that leads to flourishing 3. Wisdom is more valuable than riches 4. Wisdom is the very pattern of creation itself 5. Jesus is creations redemption   Why are you a Christian?   Next Week Romans 5:12-21 – Matt Winter

Prayer Points – October 15

Our Church | Today we pray for the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team. This is our lay leadership team charged with oversight of the administration of our church alongside our pastoral staff: Jane Unsworth, Lauren Hull, Grace Morokai, Paul Wight, Mike Hern and Stephen Watson. Our Network | As we hear from Jack Hamer who serves with Evangelical Students at the…

Pastor’s Letter – September 3rd

Hello Church, Church is about sharing life together as family gathered around Jesus. To begin with we might not share much else in common other than our relationship with him, and that’s part of the beauty of it. God draws us together as he gathers us around his Son. So we want to reflect that in the way we share life together. One simple way we can do this is chipping in…

Pastor’s Letter – August 27th

Hello Church, This Sunday after church we have the second of our two evangelism training sessions with the team from Engage Work Faith. All the feedback I’ve had from the first session was that people found it really helpful and we’re all looking forward to Part 2. The material has been carefully prepared so that Part 2 is going to be really helpful regardless of whether…

Pastor’s Letter – August 20th

G’day Church, We had such a great time at the Engage Work Faith seminar last Sunday that I I thought it’d be good to sum up some of the most helpful moments from the seminar. At the bottom of this email are a few key diary dates coming up. The seminar got us thinking about how we grow in our ability to get to know our non-Christian friends and colleagues. I think we could…