Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 12)

Posts by Simon Marshman (Page 12)

Sermon Outline – January 21st

Cross-Shaped Discipleship in 2024 MARK 10:1-12 | Simon Marshman   Jarring words for a sunny Sunday Context that helps frame the discussion Regarding Mark’s description of the attitude of the Pharisees towards Jesus, see Mark 3:1-6, 7:5-13, 8:11-15, 12:12-17. Regarding Deuteronomy 24:1-4 referenced in Mark 10:4 and the ongoing debate about divorce at the time, see…

Pastor’s Letter – December 31

G’day church, This Sunday we return to our usual time of 10:00am as we jump back into Mark’s gospel at the end of chapter 8. This will be a great lead into the New Year, because Jesus asks us the perfect question to set the agenda for the coming year: “What about you? Who do you say I am?” As we’ll see over the coming weeks, Jesus shows us what it means to know him and…

Pastor’s Letter – December 10

G’day Church, First, an update for Minis families: unfortunately we’re not able to run Minis this Sunday, so please bring some activities for your Minis kids to do during church. Our team has been stretched very thin in recent months. We’ve seen an ongoing growth in the number of kids and therefore the leaders required to care for them well, and this has combined with a…

Pastor’s Letter – December 3

G’day Church, We might not think of Romans 8 as a great Christmas passage, and yet it’s all bound up in the amazing generosity of God’s gift to us in Jesus:  “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus… what the law was powerless to do… God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.” (Rom 8:1-2) That is Christmas!…

Pastor’s Letter – November 26

G’day Church, “Suffering now, glory later!” It sounds like a pretty tricky pitch to try and convince people of, doesn’t it. But it’s what Paul says to us in the middle of Romans chapter 8. In verse 17 we have this wonderful encouragement of mind-boggling blessing with Jesus: we are adopted into God’s family, co-heirs with Christ. When we are united with him, everything…

Sermon Outline – November 19

God’s Empowering Presence Romans 8:1-17 | Simon Marshman v1. The wonderful summary: no condemnation. v2-4. The objective assurance: Christ for us. v5-13. The subjective assurance: Christ in us. v14-17. The wonderful privilege: God our Father.   Next Week Romans 8:17-30 | Simon Marshman

Pastor’s Letter – November 5

This term, as we continue to make our way through the riches of the gospel in Romans 6-8, we’re lifting our eyes to next year and thinking about our vision for church for the years to come. Over the last 12 months the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team have had some tremendously encouraging, thought provoking, prayer fuelled discussions of where church is at and…

Sermon Outline – November 5

The Freedom of Grace Romans 6:15-7:6 | Simon Marshman The question: does grace let sin off the leash? Illustration one – set free for a new master Illustration two – the fruit of death or the fruit of life Illustration three – freed for relationship in a new household   Next Week Romans 7:7-25 | Simon Marshman