Posts by Simon Marshman

Posts by Simon Marshman

Pastor’s Letter – March 16

Hello Church, When we gather for our AGM after church on Sunday March 23, Trinity Church Brighton will be 19 years old. God has been powerfully at work through our community over these 19 years and it is a tremendous encouragement to consider the kind of church we want to be when we celebrate our 20th birthday, and then our 25th and 30th. By God’s grace, TCB has had a…

Sermon Outline – March 9

Love Your Enemy Simon marshman | Matthew 5:38-48 Love your enemy and turn the other cheek…   What did Jesus mean?   Why would anyone do it?     Book recommendations: Forgive by Tim Keller, Hodder and Stoughton Truth Be Told by Lionel Windsor, Matthias Media The Heart of Anger by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley, Crossway Captured By A Better…

Sermon Outline – March 2

Faithfulness and Truth Simon marshman | Matthew 5:33-37 What is truth?   Reading the passage in context…   Thinking through the deeper issues…   Considering some practical outcomes…   Book recommendations: Truth Be Told by Lionel Windsor, Matthias Media The Heart of Anger by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley, Crossway Captured By A…

Pastor’s Letter – March 2

Hi All, Last Sunday we gave notice of our upcoming church AGM on Sunday March 23 after church. We’d love you to stick around for this important time in the life of our church family. We’ll have some formal governance matters to attend to, but we’ll also spend time in prayer – thanking God for the year that has been and asking him to be at work in…

Sermon Outline – February 23

Anger and lust Simon marshman | Matthew 5:21-32 What’s the issue with anger?   What’s the issue with lust?   Idols and #blessed   Book recommendations: The Heart of Anger by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley, Crossway Captured By A Better Vision by Tim Chester, Inter-Varsity Press The Hole In Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung, Crossway Respectable…

Sermon Outline – February 16

The King and his law Simon marshman | Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus’ relationship to the Old Testament   The Christian’s relationship to the Old Testament   The Christian’s relationship to Jesus   Book recommendations: The Hole In Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung, Crossway Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges, NavPress God’s Big Picture by Vaughan…

Pastor’s Letter – February 16

Hello Church, This Sunday we have a special visit from our dear sister K who serves with CMS in South East Asia. We have to be vague about K’s name and location because she serves in a country where it is very complicated to be open about your Christian faith, let alone inviting others to meet Jesus. So it is wonderful to be able to pray for K and to hear of what…