Posts by Matt Winter (Page 28)

Posts by Matt Winter (Page 28)

Pastor’s Letter – April 18th

Dear friends As seems to always happen, the first quarter of the year has flow by! I hope those of you who are able to have some downtime over school holidays are enjoying it so far. After a term in the book of Luke, we’ve got a special treat at church this Sunday with one of our former members, Tim Blagg, returning to preach a one off sermon for us on Ephesians 3. I’m…

Sermon Outline – February 14th

THE KING | Longing for the King Luke 18:1-8 | MATT WINTER A story of prayer and persistance   Three reasons to long for the king 1. Our world needs justice 2. We need justice 3. We need HIS justice   Next Week  THE KING | The favour of the king – Luke 18:9-17 Matt Winter

Pastor’s Letter – January 31st

Dear friends I was super encouraged by our Christmas mission that we ran at the end of last year. As we reach the end of January (it always goes so fast, right?) and with school starting this week it already feels like we’re well into 2021, but it’s good for us to pause and reflect on how Christmas went. It was a Christmas where we probably had no choice but…

Sermon Outline – January 10th

Soul Food: God’s Word Psalm 19:7-14, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | MATT WINTEr 1. Introduction 2. Define 3. Defend 4. How does God use his word? 5. Practical Suggestions a. A Healthy Caution Toward Truth b. The value of Systems c. Going deep Link to Tim Chester’s Bible Reading Plan Next Week  Soul Food: Baptism Cameron Munro

Sermon Outline – January 3rd

Soul Food: Prayer Luke 11:1-13 | MATT WINTEr 1. Introduction 2. Define 3. Defend 4. How does God use prayer? a. Big Prayers (11:1-4) b. Bold Prayers (11:5-13) 5. Practical Suggestions Link to Peter Adam’s Prayers A Praying Life by Paul Miller Next Week  Soul Food: God’s Word