Posts by Matt Winter (Page 22)

Posts by Matt Winter (Page 22)

Sermon Outline – September 26th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Judges & The God Who Saves Genesis 19:1-29 | Matt WINTER Introduction 1. Two Angels 2. Two Cities 3. Three Responses a. Laughter b. Hesitation c. Turning Back Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Sacrifices Matt Winter Genesis 22:1-19

Pastor’s Letter – September 19th

Dear friends If you were with us last Sunday you’ll recall we dealt with the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar their slave from Genesis 16. In the sermon I made the claim that the Bible never endorses slavery, and I thought I’d say a little more about why I think that’s true. This is an issue that seems to come up every now and then; one of the more…

Sermon Outline – September 19th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Delivers Genesis 18:1-15 & Genesis 21:1-7 Matt WINTER Introduction 1. A Long Wait 2. A Lavish Meal 3. A Good Laugh Trusting the God who can do the impossible Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Judges and the God who Saves Matt Winter Genesis 18:16-19:29

Sermon Outline – September 12th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Sees Genesis 16 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Sarah: God’s ends, but our means? 3. Abraham: Faltering trust 4. Hagar: Mistreatment used for good? 5. God: The one who sees Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Delivers Matt Winter Genesis 18:1-15

Sermon Outline – September 5th

Life from Chaos: The God Who Commits Genesis 15 Matt WINTER 1. Introduction 2. Getting our bearings 3. Abraham’s Doubts (15:1-8) 4. God’s Commitment (15:9-21) 5. Coming before the God of Grace Next Week: Life from Chaos – The God Who Sees Matt Winter Genesis 16

Pastor’s Letter – August 15th

Dear friends I’m writing to you on Tuesday as Annika and I are getting ready to go off on holidays tomorrow. COVID permitting we should be in the Northern Territory by the time you read this, enjoying a nice break! We’ll be back at the end of the month and look forward to seeing you all then. I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for filling out…

Pastor’s Letter – July 18th

Dear friends I hope you’re having a nice week and if you’ve been able to take some time off for school holidays that you’re getting some good rest in! Everyday we face lots of decisions. My first big one of the day is my breakfast choice. Cereal, muesli, porridge? Or maybe today I have the time to get some bacon, eggs and hash browns going? I have to…

Sermon Outline – July 4th

LIFE FROM CHAOS: THE BOOK OF GENESIS Genesis 11:1-9 | Hope & A BIG TOWER MATT WINTER 1. Building our way back 2. Humanity’s plans (11:1-4) 3. God’s plans (11:5-9) 4. How to be great Next Week: Life from Chaos – God’s Hope Mark Curran Genesis 11:27-12:9