Posts by Matt Winter (Page 18)

Posts by Matt Winter (Page 18)

Prayer Points – February 12th

Our Church | This week we’re praying for our membership area. We can give thanks for our community to belong to, and pray for us to care well for each other and to welcome newcomers well into our community life. We can also pray and give thanks for our hosting teams who especially work to makes sure people are welcomed well to church each Sunday. Our Partner | This…

Pastor’s Letter – February 12th

Hi Everyone, For those who’ve been around church more than a couple of months, I’m sure, like me, you’ve been greatly encouraged to see a steady stream of new faces coming through our doors and calling us home. Church has had a great buzz, especially the last few weeks. I thought I’d therefore take the chance to thank all of the people who have…

Prayer Points – February 5th

Our Church | This week we’re praying for our youth. Youth Group is starting for another year this Friday with a beach night. We can pray for our leaders, for our youth, for a great year of fun, growth and learning to trust Jesus more and more. Our Partner | This morning we’re praying for Bible College SA. We can give thanks for a number of new students…

Prayer Points – January 22nd

Our Church | This week we’re praying for a great year of growth in maturity at our church. We can pray that upcoming series in Mark, Romans and Exodus would be enriching for our souls and grow us more like Christ. We can pray too for our growth groups as they get ready to start for the year. Our Network | Let’s pray for Trinity Church Woodcroft. We pray for…

Pastor’s Letter – December 18th

Hi Everyone, For those who were around last Sunday, wasn’t it great to have a few Christmas carols to sing and to celebrate on Sunday night as we approach the end of another year and the celebrations that come with Christmas time? Let me quickly remind you of what we’ve got going on over the next couple of weeks: Gift Giving: Thanks to all who made such wonderful gifts to…