Hello Church,
We are blessed in many ways by being part of the Trinity Network of Churches. Here are just three that come to mind:
- This Friday we kick off Trinity Youth for 2025 and we have an exciting change from previous years: we’re embarking on a collaboration with leaders and youth from Trinity Church Tonsley and Trinity Church Woodcroft as we seek to be more intentional and prayerful in considering how we can best share Jesus with the youth of our three churches and their friends. As I met with the fantastic leadership team over the last couple of weeks I’ve realised that of the eleven youth leaders involved, eight of them spent significant time at Trinity Church Brighton. Of course there are our own wonderful leaders in Lachy, Matt, Juliet and Grace. But there are also young adults from the McIver, Peet and Keen families who all had significant parts of their early discipleship here at Brighton before going out with their families to other Trinity Network church plants. Please ask God to work powerfully in the lives of the teenagers that we know and love, and to keep bringing along those we haven’t yet met. Anyone from grade 7 to 12 is welcome, so if you know of someone who might benefit from this, please do invite them! 7pm-9pm at the Holdfast Bay Community Centre. See here for more details and we’ll have invitation cards available on Sunday.
- This Sunday we can look forward to hearing from Matt Lehmann, Lead Pastor for the Southern region of the Trinity Network. Matt will be taking us through the next passage in Matthew’s Gospel, as Jesus calls his disciples to live as salt and light in the world. In addition to being a great encouragement to hear from Matt, it will be helpful to get to know him a bit because he will be back to preach from 1 Thessalonians in term two in support of Matt Winter while I’m on Long Service Leave.
- Wednesday next week is the launch of “Southern Studies” for women. Hosted by a team drawn from across the Trinity Churches in the south, these are mornings for any women who would like to hear a short bible talk and spend time in small group bible study. Creche is available. 9:30-11:30 at CityReach Marion. See the flyer for more info.
These are all great expressions of the blessing of belonging to the Trinity Network of Churches. More than that though, they’re all wonderful expressions of the partnership we share in the gospel, knowing that in Jesus we find a hope and identity that knits us together in shared concern for one another and like-minded commitment to making Jesus known in the city around us.
See you on Sunday,