Prayer Points – February 2

Prayer Points – February 2

Each week in our service we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here. We also have a prayer meeting each Sunday before church from 9-9:30, which you’re always welcome at.

Our Church | Let’s pray for our youth and youth group as that gets underway this Friday. Things are a bit different this year with our youth group welcoming in youth from two other churches as well, so lets pray that the group would gel well together, enjoy being together, and together grow to be more like Jesus.

Our Networks |  Today we’re praying for the ES student ministry and for Lauren at Flinders ES. Let’s pray for Connect Camp in a few weeks, for a great turnout and time together. We can pray too for a great year ahead, for lots of Christians eager and excited to join the mission to reach Flinders Uni for the gospel, and that in God’s kindness many would turn to Jesus this year.

Our World | We’re praying this morning for our workplaces and for the community organisations we’re involved with. Let’s pray for opportunities to talk about deeper things with colleague and friends and for the opportunity to share the reason for the hope that we have!

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